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Why does my Ipad have a mobilephone.app?


iPF Novice
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
New York
I having fun looking at my Jailbroken Ipad and in the application folder, I see an app called MobilePhone.app. What is this?

There are graphic files with facetime names in one of the folders.
They are the files required for FaceTime. Simple as that.

And before you ask the next question, the answer is no. You can't make it work as a phone.
They are the files required for FaceTime. Simple as that.

And before you ask the next question, the answer is no. You can't make it work as a phone.

Actually, you can easily edit these files to enable the phone feature. There is also a way to edit the Messages app to allow normal SMS to be sent to phones that do not have iMessage. This requires that you insert a sim card with phone service OR have a service like Google Voice and wifi signal.

It is amazing.

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