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WARNING: Apple Bans Man From Ever Buying Another iPad

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iPF Noob
Mar 21, 2010
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Marietta, GA - USA
Apple Bans Man From Ever Buying Another iPad

By Ben Popken on April 19, 2010 2:00 PM


Apple has banned a blogger from buying any more iPads. Ever. Like, for the rest of his life, he is not allowed to buy a single one. He will die an old man, still clutching the same iPad, forbidden from ever upgrading. Porkay?
There's a "two iPads per customer rule" and this guy was buying two per day to resell at cost to his buddies as a favor. He writes,
When Apple delayed the international iPad launch by a month, early adopters worldwide started to panic. Since my nearby Apple store initially had plenty of stock, I offered to purchase and ship iPads internationally for members of the NeoGAF gaming forum. I was doing this as a favor, unlike hoarders who were unloading iPads on eBay to cash in on the $150+ markup. Instead, my asking prices were very reasonable, just enough to cover all the tax, international express shipping, and Paypal fees with a little left over for gas and my time.â€
Because this is precisely the behavior a scalper would use to sell iPads at a premium, Apple banned him. He retells the whole story on his blog, it's kind of interesting to see how the Apple employees deal with the situation and are only allowed to communicate with him within a limited set of prescripted responses. How I went from Apple store newbie to lifetime ban in one week [Protocol Snow] (Thanks to Andrew!)

Apple Bans Man From Ever Buying Another iPad - The Consumerist
Does Apple really think that they can ban anyone from acquiring more than two iPads. There still such a thing as paying with cash!
Sometimes the Apple zipper gets inadvertently lowered and they begin to trip all over themselves :)
Another reactionary blogger...he can't be banned for life. He can just go into a different store and buy one.
Buying iPads for his gaming friends because he is nice? Yeah right.... With people in India paying over 2 grand for an iPad, I doubt this kid was being nice... He was making a lot of dough. Good thing he reached his "lifetime limit," whatever that is.
I see this item at everbuying website , can i buy it from this website ? anyone know this website ?
Buying iPads for his gaming friends because he is nice? Yeah right.... With people in India paying over 2 grand for an iPad, I doubt this kid was being nice... He was making a lot of dough. Good thing he reached his "lifetime limit," whatever that is.

he was marking them up $150 which is a lot but when you factor in shipping and fees how much would it have been since you think he made "a lot of dough"?
I wonder is he the only one that is banned from buying iPads? And what about Iphone ar other Apple products?
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