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VZW Moto Droid X to be announced on Wednesday


iPF Noob
May 26, 2010
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Now this throws a wrench in my plans to get the HTC DI. On one hand the Droid X is going to be huge like the EVO 4G so I don't doubt the battery life might be crap, but then again it's not going to have 4G and it's running some form of MotoBlur with inline battery profiles.

If I pre-order it though on Wednesday (assuming they will allow you to when they announce it) I'd basically be beta testing the damn thing, and not so sure I'd want to do that.

But the big on screen keyboard might allow for easier on screen text messaging due to a bigger screen...plus it comes pre-installed with Swype.

And of course it's not rooted yet, so that means no free WiFi tethering.

Hmmm...what to do what to do...

Now this throws a wrench in my plans to get the HTC DI. On one hand the Droid X is going to be huge like the EVO 4G so I don't doubt the battery life might be crap, but then again it's not going to have 4G and it's running some form of MotoBlur with inline battery profiles.

If I pre-order it though on Wednesday (assuming they will allow you to when they announce it) I'd basically be beta testing the damn thing, and not so sure I'd want to do that.

But the big on screen keyboard might allow for easier on screen text messaging due to a bigger screen...plus it comes pre-installed with Swype.

And of course it's not rooted yet, so that means no free WiFi tethering.

Hmmm...what to do what to do...

Exclusive: Motorola Droid X preview -- Engadget

I have the Droid Incredible now and absolutely love the phone, that being said I will most likely pre-order the X at full retail.
If you don't pre-order the X it will be become backordered as other hot new android phones.
Yeah most likely. Right now I have the original moto droid
Yeah it basically just has a better spec sheet and slightly different keyboard though...
I'm totally stoked about tomorrow. VZW knows it's coming out but they are mum on when I can preorder it. VZW is going to give me an early upgrade (bumping my upgrade date up about 10 months) so I'm definitely getting this. If I don't like it I will just return it or sell it on eBay.
Counting down the hours to be honest. I made a cardboard cut out of the dimensions just to make sure it fits in all my jeans etc. :D
The new phones look nice. I have a Droid running 2.2 @ 800Mhz, and have the WiFi teather set up for my iPad use. The larger 4.3" screen is a want, but I can hold out for a while.

It's not like when I had a LG Voyager waiting for a Droid....that was painful.
Yeah I am just a tech junkie I guess, I have to try out this phone...I got the Droid thinking I would rather have the hardware keyboard, but I get sick of sliding it out during extending back and forth text messaging.

I have my Droid running at 1.25GHz right now, but it's still not as snappy as say an HTC Droid Incredible or most likely the Droid X
Yeah I am just a tech junkie I guess, I have to try out this phone...I got the Droid thinking I would rather have the hardware keyboard, but I get sick of sliding it out during extending back and forth text messaging.

I have my Droid running at 1.25GHz right now, but it's still not as snappy as say an HTC Droid Incredible or most likely the Droid X

1.25Ghz :eek:

I never use the slide out keyboard, it's pretty useless to me. Keys are too flat to get a good feel for the layout.
Yeah I have big fingers so I'm hoping with the Droid X it will be easy to compose emails and text messages quickly, without having to slide out a keyboard. I can type like 40wpm on the hardware keyboard, but I end up leaving it slid out on my desk during a long back and forth conversation.

I doubt I would use the big screen for movies and such because I have my iPad for that sort of thing and I'm sure the battery life would be atrocious for movies with that huge screen (although technically the CPU is 45nm as opposed to 65nm on the Evo 4G so it theoretically get better battery life).

My only issue is the phone is obviously not rooted yet, so I will lose my WiFi tether capabilities for my iPad until either 2.2 comes on the phone (some rumors say it is built in, some say an update soon after release) or they root it. Root will take awhile though because of the additional NinjaBlur interface and the fact that it will probably be immediately backordered so the developers will take awhile to get their hands on it like with the DI.

But in reality if I need to surf the web for something, I will have a 4.3 inch screen to do so, which is more than adequate. Anything else like updating apps and whatnot can wait until I get to a WiFi spot or home.
I keep hearing about the Tethering in the new phones, but you know Verizon will find a way to charge for it like everything else. My 2.2 install lists Tethering as USB option, but we all need the WiFi for the iPads.

I don't think Verizon is gonna let that one out. It's gonna have to be a rooted option.
It will be like 15 bucks I think. That's fine, I can wait for root. Pretty much every Android phone has been rooted, so eventually it will happen.

The only time I really use WiFi tethering consistently is when I am at the office, which is usually only a couple of hours per day, if that. If I really need it I could always keep my Droid just for tethering purposes, or in the future get the next generation 3G iPad (ATT coverage is much better where I am moving to). When I move to TX I'm going to be super busy at work anyhow, so I won't really have time to be dicking around with We Rule and whatnot at work.

I wonder, do you need a separate 30 dollar data plan for EACH Droid or is it just one per account? I could just open up a fourth line on my account for 10 bucks and use it just to tether.
I wonder, do you need a separate 30 dollar data plan for EACH Droid or is it just one per account? I could just open up a fourth line on my account for 10 bucks and use it just to tether.

Each phone....I get a 22% discount threw work so it's 22$ for my line, and 22% off the total bill.

And my work pays for 70$ of my cell phone bill monthly as it is, so I really don't notice it.
Oh well, forget that idea, it's not worth 40 bucks a month to me. I'm sure it will be rooted eventually with WiFi tether, and if not, I can get the 3G iPad next go around...or switch back to my Droid and sell this phone on eBay at a ridiculous price. :)

I get a military discount on my lines.

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