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Upload photos to Mobileme


iPF Noob
Mar 16, 2011
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I'm on vacation and did not bring my Macbook with me ;-)
I'm traveling just with my iPhone and iPad. Lets see how it holds on..

The only thing i could not find is how to upload a BATCH of photo's from my photo library to MobileMe.

I know I can email my self 4 to 5 photos, but thats just too much work if you need to upload 100 photo's.
Hey, its vacation! ;-)

Is there an app or another way to upload 100 photo's in one go?



I'm on vacation and did not bring my Macbook with me ;-)
I'm traveling just with my iPhone and iPad. Lets see how it holds on..

The only thing i could not find is how to upload a BATCH of photo's from my photo library to MobileMe.

I know I can email my self 4 to 5 photos, but thats just too much work if you need to upload 100 photo's.
Hey, its vacation! ;-)

Is there an app or another way to upload 100 photo's in one go?



Welcome to the Forum. I hope you are having a nice vacation.

GoodReader is the app you need; it's the 'Swiss Army Knife' for iPads and is frequently voted the 'must have' app. It allows you to set up folders and you can import all your pictures and sort them how you want to.

Then, from within GoodReader, you can connect to MobileMe iDisk and upload all of your photos (or just a subset if you prefer) in one go.

It's very reasonably priced, well supported, frequently updated with new features - always a good sign - and gets great reviews.

Again, have fun on your vacation.

Hey Tim,

Thank you for your suggestion. As good as GoodReader is, its not what I wanted for uploading my photo's. I can't see my other photo's I previously uploaded via iPhoto to MobileMe galary. In iPhoto i select which photo's to upload and it uploads them to the MobileMe Galary and provides me a nice link to give to my family members. But I can't seem to find an app that does just that.

Hey Tim,

Thank you for your suggestion. As good as GoodReader is, its not what I wanted for uploading my photo's. I can't see my other photo's I previously uploaded via iPhoto to MobileMe galary. In iPhoto i select which photo's to upload and it uploads them to the MobileMe Galary and provides me a nice link to give to my family members. But I can't seem to find an app that does just that.


OK - sorry - I'm on to this - I'll get back to you ASAP.....

Enjoy your vacation

Thanks Tim, appreciated! ;-)


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If there is anything that will work with the MobileMe Gallery I can't find it. And I'd really like that.

The closest thing I can offer is a combination of a flickr.com account and the FlickrStackr app. You can upload multiple photos from the Photo library and create shareable photo collections. And you can copy their links to email to your family.

A Photobucket account and companion app can probably do the same thing, but I haven't any experience with them so I don't know what app to recommend.

Just to make sure, I'm going back to my iPad and giving this a try. I'll supply the link, if successful, in another post.
Urrggg, not as easy as I had hoped.

Adding multiple multiple photos, easy.

Getting them all into the same set, easy but not obvious. The first ones I had to edit individualy to place them in the set. Then I figured out that I could select Edit just before the actual upload, select multiple photos, and create a new set to put them in, or an existing one. The last the Photos have dafault names because I used this method and did not go back to edit them individually.

What I could not do was get a link to share the set. It only allowed sharing of individual photos. I had to visit the site using Safari to grab the link.


Overall, not the neat solution you'll get if Tim finds the elusive MobileMe Gallery publishing app. But you can use it if nothing better turns up.
Is the iPad's 'MobileMe Gallery' app, then, not what you are looking for? I guess not because, as reported, you can only seem to upload photos one at a time - so, yes, we're back to where we started.......

OK - Tim has screwed up again...it's becoming a habit I have to break....

    • 1 Launch your favorite web browser.

    • 2 Log into your MobileMe account by going to me.com.

    • 3
      Click the Gallery icon on the top left. It's the one with a sunflower on it.

    • 4
      Click the plus sign at the bottom left of the browser window to create a new album.

    • 5
      Type in a name for your new album in the "Album Name" field.

    • 6
      Select the options you want by checking off the boxes next to each one.
      You can allow people to download your photos or the entire album, add the ability to upload photos through the web browser, and even set it up so you can add photos by email and your iPhone.

    • 7 Select the check box next to "Photo Titles" in the "Show" section if you want the titles of the photos to show up on the gallery page. And if you want to, you can completely hide the album on your Gallery page.

    • 8 Click the "Create" button when you're done.

    • 9
      Click the big green arrow in the middle of the browser window to upload your images.

    • 10
      Hit the "Choose" button.

    • 11
      Browse to the location of the photographs you want to upload. You can control-click to select multiple images, then click the "Select" button.

    • 12 Click on the "Add More" button if you want to add more photos, or click "Done" when all the images you want have been added.

    • 13
      Go to http://gallery.me.com/username to view your MobileMe gallery. You can share this with all your friends and family

The iPad's MobileMe Gallery app only allows viewing of Galleries, your's and/or friends. The galleries themselves have to be created in the iPhotos app on a Mac. Matter of fact I'm not even sure where on the iDisk they are stored. I've never been able to track it down.

Scratch that. I finally found them. They are under Web / Sites / _gallery, and the file structure of each gallery means that simply moving photos to that location would not work. Several files are associated with each picture in it's own folder. These are mini-websites, not folders full of pictures.
Last edited:
    • 1 Launch your favorite web browser.

    • I'm sorry, but this won't work on an iPad. While can get around Safari's refusal to go to the me.com site by using Atomic and changing the browser identity, the site still does not work properly.

      By selecting the Gallery first, before logging in I was able to get to the Gallery app. But that only brought into play the real reason this won't work. You can not tap on the + sign to browser for and upload pictures. There is no file system to browse, so the page rightfully refuses to do a darn thing.

      If I'm wrong, and you've made this work on an iPad, please give me some more details. What browser you used, how you browsed for the files, etc.

      Thanks for trying though. I know that took a fair amount of time to put together, and you effort, if not the solution, is top notch.
Hey guys,

Thanks for trying all these things. Seems that there is no obvious solution.
I think the Gallery app should be able to handle this, but it is not ;-(

Lets continue looking and report here what we find.

Thanks again!


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Well, fooling around with Atomic and emulating IE 8, I did finally manage to create a new Gallery. I used the settings icon and chose New Album. It was flakey the whole time. The Create button did not work, but hitting return after entering the title created the album. And I could choose the various options. I couldn't actually add any pictures to it, of course.

After that I could go to the Photo app and add pictures to the new album one at a time. But you probably already knew that part. It's not terrible, since it only took me a few seconds for each photo (on wifi), but hardly the batch uploads you are looking for.

And that is the limit of my progress for the night, uhm early morning actually. Sleep would probably be a good idea.

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