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Unwanted App


iPF Noob
Mar 19, 2012
Reaction score
Barrie, Ontario
I received what appears to be an app called Zoosk in my email. It will not allow me to delete it. The only option when you touch on it is to open and then it wants you to download. When I try to delete it in the normal fashion it will not show up as a deletable file. How can I get rid of this. It appears as a header when I open my mail file. Any answers?
It is possible to give and receive apps as gifts through email. The sender pays for the app.

The email comes with a link that automatically takes you to the App Store and downloads the gifted app. You have to tap and choose to open the link, and you can interrupt it anytime before it starts the actual download.

@Ronedgar2; If the app says is it Waiting or you have a download bar you can try tapping on it to pause. Once paused it may be possible to delete it the normal way. Tap and hold until it jiggles, then tap the x to delete.

A restart may also help, then try the above it the app starts to download again.

If that does not work you may have to wait for the app to finish installing before you can delete it.

Or I've completely misunderstood what you are talking about, in which case please add some more details.
Thanks for the replies. The App sat in my Yahoo mail header and I could not delete it. Even when I downloaded the App and then tried to remove it the message in my inbox remained. It was there for about a week and now this morning it seems to have disappeared. Hopefully this is not a new trend with a captive audience. Any ideas how to stop this from happening again?
So, it was actually a Yahoo Mail problem. No wonder our advice was less than helpful. I should have caught that when you mentioned the mail header. Sorry.

But glad you got it worked out.

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