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iPF Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
I would like to unsubscribe but dont know how to. Can someone advise me. I no longer want to be involved. Thank you.
If you want your account to be deleted, that's possible. I can shoot a message to the administrators, if you like. The only real benefit to this, though, is if you ever think you might want to rejoin with a different user name.

Otherwise, you can just log out, and no-one will be any the wiser.

Sent from my stock iPad 2
I'm guessing the OP want's to unsubscribe from threads, so as not to receive any more email notices.

This is most easily done from the website.

Click on the Settings link near the top right of the website. When the list (or lack of) appears click on View all Subscribed Threads, just above the list of unread (if any) threads.

There will be a check box next to each subscribed thread shown. You can select/unslect them al by clicking the top checkbox, or choose them individually. Go to the bottom of the list where it says Selected Threads. Click on it, choose your option, and click GO at the bottom of the menu/list.

If you really-really don't want any kind of notification about new posts in these threads, chose Delete Subscription.

If you just don't want the emails, choose Through my control panel only. With this option you'll see all threads with new content when you click on the Settings link, but will not receive email notifications. You'll still get badge notifications in the iPF app on the iPad, if you have them enabled in Settings > Notifications.

If you have more than one page's worth of subscribed threads, you will have to go through each page individually to select and change their status.

I recommend doing this instead of having your account deleted. You might want to participate in a thread again someday, or just visit occasionally to see what's what.
At one point, I'd repeatedly deleted subscriptions but was still receiving lots of IPF emails. So I switched my IPF email to a junk email account, where I don't care how many emails pile up, because I never actively use it.
At one point, I'd repeatedly deleted subscriptions but was still receiving lots of IPF emails. So I switched my IPF email to a junk email account, where I don't care how many emails pile up, because I never actively use it.

I set up a rule on my Gmail account to send all forum emails directly to trash. That way they don't clutter up my inbox, and if I want to read them, they are still there.

Sent from my stock iPad 2
I set up a rule on my Gmail account to send all forum emails directly to trash. That way they don't clutter up my inbox, and if I want to read them, they are still there.

Sent from my stock iPad 2

Same practice basically. I use the junk email account for lots of things, like when I think a company might resell or share my email address with spammers. If I want to check for emails, the junk account is always available to me. Otherwise, the sender doesn't have my real useful email addresses and I don't need to create lots of rules. At work, I have lots of email rules and specific folders for certain types of email. Those get split off to folders immediately.
I forgot to mention that you can change your notifications so that replying to or subscribing to a thread does not generate email notificatons to begin with. On the Settings page choose General Settings from the the left column. Go to Messages & Notifications > Default Subscription Mode, and change it to Through my Control Panel Only (if you still want to subscribe, but not be notified) or Do Not Subscribe (if you only want to subscribe manually).

I like the first. With the first I see all threads that I reply to, create, or manually subscribe too when when I use the Settings link on the site or the Subscribed tab in iPF; but never get emails. Well, I do get emails for Private Messages. I leave that on because they might be important, I get very few, and no one has abused it so far.
I want to unsubscribe as I realize now that I do not want to participate. Please tell me what I need to do. Thank You CarylF29.

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