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Unless I've missed something, I'm not convinced that..............



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Although I don't use Tapatalk most of the time, I have the app on my iPad, just in case.

Like you, I prefer accessing the forums that I'm suscribed to via browser, in my case Safari.
I just hit my favorite forums through the web and really don't have problems. I suppose there are a few instances where an app might be better but overall I'm fine with the non Mobile version of websites and forums. No problems here.
I mostly use Tapatalk for photos and screenshots. It's so much easier to do this in Tapatalk that I'll often insert an {image pending) bit of text into a post, then quickly switch to Tapatalk to edit and add the imagery.

I alos use Tapatalk if I'm tired and just want to skim through the newest threads. It's faster for browsing. Then again, if do almost all my forum participation from the iMac. If I decide I need to say something when I'm on the iPad, and it's going to be more than a short paragraph or two, I send myself an email reminder for that thread and take care of it when I get home.
The main reason I like to use Tapatalk is that I've paid for VIP access, which means I don't see all the ads when I'm browsing the forums. Yeah, yeah, I know - ads are good to help support the forum. But ... doesn't mean I like them. :)

Plus, I regularly browse four forums. Tapatalk puts them all in one place and in one format. Makes life easier.

Oh - and twerppoet's comments work for me, too. Uploading pictures with Tapatalk is very easy.

So, yeah, I like Tapatalk. :)

The main reason I like to use Tapatalk is that I've paid for VIP access, which means I don't see all the ads when I'm browsing the forums. Yeah, yeah, I know - ads are good to help support the forum. But ... doesn't mean I like them. :)

Plus, I regularly browse four forums. Tapatalk puts them all in one place and in one format. Makes life easier.

Oh - and twerppoet's comments work for me, too. Uploading pictures with Tapatalk is very easy.

So, yeah, I like Tapatalk. :)


I have no problem with anyone that chooses to exclude ads, in fact on my laptop, I've started using slimjet browser and I'm currently trying to stop the ads with their inbuilt blocker. Some days it works, other not. If I could find a paid for blocker, then I too would go along this path.
As a genreal rule, I do not block ads. I want to support the forums and blogs I use. However if the ads become intrusive, blocking content, taking up the entire screen, or auto-playing video or audio; then I stop going to that site.

I'm happy that a few of my blogs and podcasts have moved to the patreon model. Think of it as a voluntary subscription where you decide the amount. Sometimes there are extras that go along with paying, sometimes it is just the feeling that you're doing something to keep you favorite sources averrable. Most of them still do ads, but they are either typical no-intrusive ads or sponsorships.

Anyway, this is my choice. At least for now. I don't have any opinion on what other people choose to do. Each has to make up their own mind on how to balance the scales; of how to deal ads on what are otherwise a free services, and whether they want to contribute to keeping those services available.

Services that can't generate enough loyal users are going to die eventually; whether they finance using ads or other methods.
Tried it three different times. Deleted three times. Can't find my forums on it, gave up.

There is another forum app, Forum Runner. It's not nearly as popular or as good (in my opinion) as Tapatalk; but it's possible your other forums support it (this one does not). The old iPadForum app was based on Forum Runner, so it should be somewhat familiar.

If it were me, and I really, really wanted to get away from the websites on the iPad, I would ask the admins in each of my forums if and what forum app they support. Maybe you'll get a nice surprise. At the very least you'll probably get enough information to put the question to a final rest. At least for yourself.

That's assuming you haven't already decided you're done spending time on the issue.

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