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Think first!


iPF Noob
May 8, 2010
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The delayed release for international iPad purchases may not be a bad thing. No doubt there are many people waiting/wanting to get their hands on their very own device; but, the extra time may allow some buyers the added opportunity to think. About? Wifi only or a 3G unit.
Now, there is extra time to consider what could be needed in the future. The iPad looks to be the hottest thing to have this year and many people jumped to be one of the first purchasers. I wonder if they thought of what their use needs will be in a couple of months from now or next year. If you own an iPhone with a data plan, you know and have experienced the value of having the ability to connect to the world when ever you need to. Do you expect your iPad to have the same capability?
I have no interest in having a 1.5lb cell phone. This certainly isn't practical as your only cell phone so why should it be a cell phone at all? I'm not going to pay for two phones when I would use one only rarely.

Plus there are already internet phone apps such as Skype (and I believe Skype is being updated to work over 3G). There are countless text apps that already work and e-mail is pretty instant. I don't see why anyone would want this as a phone (assuming it requires a separate contract).
They had 1.5lb cell phones in the 80's

Based on your avatar and screen name it appears you are a fan of the 80's. Just because you seem to have an affinity to that period doesn't mean the rest of us want to take that leap backwards.
I think it does everything I need it to do...how will it work a year from now?? Who cares? It's under $1000!!! I paid $800 with the case! When iPad 2.0 comes out, if there is a hardware boost I'll get that one!! This isn't a $2500 laptop that needs to last years...it is priced to be disposable!
The only way the iPad would be viable as a phone, would be if everything could be achieved through a Bluetooth headset. For a limited few, it might be a solution, but most of us will not find it worthwhile.
Apple iPhone = billions for Apple
Apple iPad = billions for Apple

Why would Apple want to cut its Billions in half?
I think a lot of people are assuming too much from ayerbusiness post, what I think he meant was whether or not you should buy 3G or WiFi and to take the time while waiting for your iPad to be available/restocked, to make a more justified decision between the two.

Funny thing is though, I have thought what it would be like, using my Bluetooth headset (dual link) paired to the iPad and iPhone, to make phone calls from my 3G iPad.

Holding it like a phone, no way, but more like a business link, meaning tap a phone number on the iPad but have my iPhone dial out the call. Or if the iPhone is being used the option to invoke the call from the iPad and even manage it from there, perhaps while using the iPhone as the base but the iPad as the controller/handset. Once the call would complete, it would automatically release the phone activity back to the iPhone only.

It just seems so likely being both devices are on the same ATT network as well as manufactured by Apple and with the proper use of the OS to handle this likely feature. 10 times in a day, as I move through notes and or contacts and work contract documents with embedded numbers on the iPad, I wished this was an already enabled feature set.
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I had my iPad imported from the US and I after doing a rough calculation how many data I'm going to put on my pad, I made my mind to take a 32GB. And because I do see more sense in a MiFi device (which I also own), I am well served with the Wifi-iPad and have about 1h of extra battery life.

But I am pretty sure, that with the next gen of iPad, I'm going for the next size.

But you are right - people may have had more time to think about their decision. Especially because all 6 options are availlable at the same time.
When my phone rings (BB Curve 8330) as I am in the process of lifting it to my head I push this little green button. When the phone hits my ear I say "who is this and what do you want"?

If the iPad is that easy to use as a phone I might be interested - but probably not. There are some places I go that I don't bring the iPad - but the BB is slipped into my pocket.
When my phone rings (BB Curve 8330) as I am in the process of lifting it to my head I push this little green button. When the phone hits my ear I say "who is this and what do you want"?

If the iPad is that easy to use as a phone I might be interested - but probably not. There are some places I go that I don't bring the iPad - but the BB is slipped into my pocket.

I LOLed. I think there may be a little beer coming out of my nose.

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