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The new Ipad or HP Folio 13


iPF Noob
Mar 10, 2012
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Hi guys,
I've been thinking and considering for two weeks and have come down to two choices for my new machine for uni. the new Ipad + keyboard folio ( cannot make good note taking on onscreen keyboard) and HP Folio 13. I'll be using lots of pdf reading and annotating, surfing web, note taking. I have an acer lap at home but it's freaking heavy, that's why I have to buy a new one. Please help me decide.
1/ Functions:
i think both devices can do those tasks just fine. But to me, coz I've been using windows for more than 8 years and I'm familiar in Win, the HP can do more, such as multi tasking, processing faster (it's core i5 compared to A5X, also 128SSD compared to 32Gb(the one that I want). I believe I can do more things with the ultrabook. However, 1. my old lappy is still functioning well. 2. I'm just using the new device at school, buying the ultrabook maybe too much for me.
But if I buy the ultrabook, I can work practically everywhere. Uni or home is the same. The Ipad, I need synchronise and other things emerging from the two different platforms, and after all, I can't fully work productively in just the Ipad, to me it can't be a viable substitute for a Windows laptop.
2/ Portability: I think both are extremely portable, but of course the Ipad is a little bit more. Using the ipad would be easier for reading, browsing. I said "a little bit more" becoz I think the ultrabook is very portable, and it won't make much difference.
3/ Pricing: the ipad option would be cheaper than the ultrabook option $300 (if I choose 16gb) and $200 (32gb).
After all, because of the two important criteria: pricing and my need ( I mean if I buy the ultrabook, perhaps my old laptop would be thrown to the corner. My old one is still very OK), I can't make up my mind. The price difference may not be important, coz I'm gonna use the new device for a long time, at least two years.
I am leaning towards the ipad option (60%).
Do you guys have any ideas? Any flaws in my reasoning? All comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading the post.
If you're certain that your current laptop will continue to serve your needs and not require updating for at least the two year life cycle you're projecting, you might want to consider an iPad.

On the other hand, as you note, the ultrabook you're considering is a true "laptop replacement"; the iPad is simply not. Futhermore, if you're going to "throw your old laptop in a corner," you might as well sell it for $200-$300 and eliminate the price difference between the ultrabook and the iPad. Alternatively, if either your current laptop or the ultrabook fails for some reason you still have a workable system that meets your requirements. On the other hand, if you get an iPad and your current laptop fails you'll be faced with the need to purchase a new laptop.

Finally, as you note, the ultrabook and your current laptop share both an os and software versions. Assuming you're using MS Office software you'll have to rely on less than perfect emulations of those applications on the iPad until (and if) Microsoft releases a (more limited) version for the iPad. With the ultrabook, I assume you could literally load the same software on your new system.

The new iPad (or even the iPad 2) is a tempting piece of technology but for true productivity it has to be "stretched" quite a bit. If you're "leaning" toward the iPad option, it strikes me that it's not because you've weighed the options from a purely logical and economic standpoint. The ultrabook won't confer the same status as an iPad but from the standpoint of performance, storage, functionality, and flexibility, it's a better choice.
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If you're certain that your current laptop will continue to serve your needs and not require updating for at least the two year life cycle you're projecting, you might want to consider an iPad.

On the other hand, as you note, the ultrabook you're considering is a true "laptop replacement"; the iPad is simply not. Futhermore, if you're going to "throw your old laptop in a corner," you might as well sell it for $200-$300 and eliminate the price difference between the ultrabook and the iPad. Alternatively, if either your current laptop or the ultrabook fails for some reason you still have a workable system that meets your requirements. On the other hand, if you get an iPad and your current laptop fails you'll be faced with the need to purchase a new laptop.

Finally, as you note, the ultrabook and your current laptop share both an os and software versions. Assuming you're using MS Office software you'll have to rely on less than perfect emulations of those applications on the iPad until (and if) Microsoft releases a (more limited) version for the iPad. With the ultrabook, I assume you could literally load the same software on your new system.

The new iPad (or even the iPad 2) is a tempting piece of technology but for true productivity it has to be "stretched" quite a bit. If you're "leaning" toward the iPad option, it strikes me that it's not because you've weighed the options from a purely logical and economic standpoint. The ultrabook won't confer the same status as an iPad but from the standpoint of performance, storage, functionality, and flexibility, it's a better choice.

Thank you so much for your reply, jsh1120. It's really really sensible. To be honest, I haven't thought about the case that my lap will fail and the idea of selling it. If I consider that, I would absolutely go for the ultrabook.
Thanks again, jsh1120 :thumbs:
If you are attending a USA school, you might want to check your bookstore to see if they have an Apple kiosk. My local university here in Fort Wayne, Indiana provides Apple products at a student discount. I am a part time student at this state school and I qualify.

jsh1120 advise is well worth reading and reposting for all questions of should I buy an iPad or laptop/PC/notebook. So I am NOT contracdicting his wise words.

BUT from a purely 'fashion' play, I have noticed in the one class I attend, there are now four distinct classes of students in my class: 1) iPad equipped, 2) Notebook equipped, 3) laptop equipped, and 4) pen and paper equipped. Lap top equipped students all sit hovered around the nearest electrical outlets. Ipad equipped students seem to sit towards the back of the room as I have observed that they seem to be able to take notes and do a lot of surfing-->emails, facebook, etc. Paper equipped and notebook students seem to sit closer to the front and tend to pay more attention to the professor.

I'm just saying....
Haha. True. Great observation.
I'm in Australia and have checked discount for ipad. There is none.

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