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Space Crayons iPad App Enables Children to Create Kinetic Art


iPadForums News Team

This looks like a really cool art app for kids, out just in time for the school holidays! It's called Space Crayons, and it's the creation of a Chicago company called Zidware, whose previous apps include ZooRound, Photo Van Go, My School and ABC Invaders. In Space Crayons, kids get to draw their way into a kinetic robot world of art.

Space Crayons, which has been designed exclusively for the iPad, features fun energy-infused crayons that allow kids to create stunning interactive colouring pages and kinetic art that moves on the iPad screen simply and easily. The app's robot-themed "paper" sheets, coupled with the basic interface and play-along voice commands, mean that the app is perfectly pitched at pre-schoolers.

"Space Crayons just blasted off the design board with new ideas in drawing that allow children to create moving art and kinetic works. The perfect display of the iPad allows us to create wonderful kid-ready apps with a serious play quotient and core tool ideas invented by my 4th grader, Isabella Popadiuk."
Nanoschool Director, John Popadiuk.
Space Crayons is out now on the iPad App Store for $1.99/£1.19.

Source: Zidware

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