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iPF Noob
Aug 19, 2011
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SETTINGS - GENERAL - SOUNDS -- I have options to change all sorts of sounds - ring tone, text tone, mail -- but they don't work. Whatever I try to change them to, I still get the same default sound, which I think is the Marimba. What am I doing wrong?
SETTINGS - GENERAL - SOUNDS -- I have options to change all sorts of sounds - ring tone, text tone, mail -- but they don't work. Whatever I try to change them to, I still get the same default sound, which I think is the Marimba. What am I doing wrong?
Works perfectly well for me. What phone and iOS are you on?
Have you tried turning off/on your device then seeing if it works? Also is your Lock Sound on?
Lock sounds is on. Is it supposed to be? I'm not quite sure what it does.
theoldmole said:
Lock sounds is on. Is it supposed to be? I'm not quite sure what it does.

Have you tried emailing yourself? Reason I'm asking is when I lower down the volume in the sound settings it plays the default sound but when I get a email it plays the sound I picked.
Which assigned sound is not working in which app? Are they all not changing or just for one application? Cause there are six default apps that can be changed ... just need to know which one(s) aren't changing.

Oh, and "Lock Sounds" on/off button controls the sound the iPad makes when you press the sleep/power button. That's all it does.

OK, now I'm getting a distinctive tone for email, but not for texts, which is where I really want the distinctive sound. I use Google Voice for my text app-- could that have anything to do with it?
OK, now I'm getting a distinctive tone for email, but not for texts, which is where I really want the distinctive sound. I use Google Voice for my text app-- could that have anything to do with it?

It would have everything to do with it. The Sounds settings only affect the OS and native iPad apps. If there is a way to change the alert sound for Google Voice it will be in that app's settings, or (barely possible) in the website's settings.

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