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Sharing sync info on your laptop with the iPhone


iPF Noob
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Orlando, FL.
I've had an iPhone that I sync with my laptop periodically. Now that I have an iPad, can I just plug it in to my laptop, too, and the apps that were saved to iTunes from my iPhone will get installed on my iPad, or do I have to start from scratch on the iPad and download all the apps I currently have on my iPhone? Surely not.
You can connect it to your laptop and sync anything you want from your itunes library. However some of the apps may not be optimised for the ipad and so you may want to hunt down ipad specific version.

There are basically three types of apps (I'm ignoring new ipad only retina apps for the moment, if there are any):

1) iphone apps, these however can be run on an ipad but scaled up.
2) universal apps that optimise themselves for whichever device they are on. They have a + on them in the app store.
3) ipad only apps.
I synced my iPhone with my laptop as usual, then synced my iPad for the first time with the laptop and backed it up. It asked me if I wanted to backup using my user handle, and I said yes. But after all was said and done, I didn't see any apps that were on my iPhone on my iPad. :>((

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