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Search iTunes Store


iPad Fan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
Milton-Freewater, OR
Trying to use the Search iTunes Store action; and this happens all the time. Seems to happen with the Search App Store action as well. Is anyone else having the same problem, and/or do you know what I’m doing wong?


It’s been happening since the iOS 12 udpate. I’ve updated to iOS 12.1 hoping it would fix the issue, but no luck.
I’ve had no trouble searching the iTunes Store right through the iOS 12 beta releases right up to today’s public release of iOS 12.1.
Never mind. The iOS update did not fix the issue, but the Shortcut app udate did. Now I can proceede with my shortcut creation. If I can make it work, I’ll share it here.
Working on a Now Playing shortcut that makes an image of the album artwork and song currently playing. Can’t format the text so the look is kind of hit and miss right now.



And for some reason I have to run it twice before it will show the current song instead of the previous song. Argg....
Ok. I think I solved the old song fetch be fetching the current song twice, with a wait inbetween. That shouldn’t be necessary.



Ok, that’s working well enough to share. Long song and artist names are still going to overflow, but I can’t think of a way to fix that. Next I’ll share the shortcut.

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