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ReStore Error (-1) Help Me...

Okay, we need a bit more here.

What are you trying to do (the specific details and steps)? What model is your iPad (and, is it 3G or WiFi)? What iOS are you running?

If you give us more details (the more the better), I am sure someone can assist you.


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Okay, we need a bit more here.

What are you trying to do (the specific details and steps)? What model is your iPad (and, is it 3G or WiFi)? What iOS are you running?

If you give us more details (the more the better), I am sure someone can assist you.



ipad2 3G

running ios 5

restore Error (-1)

I am sooty - but we are not mind readers...

What ARE you trying to do? Are you trying to restore to iOS 5.0.1 or trying to load it initially. Are you restoring a jail broken iPad or was it stock. How did you attempt the restore, on the iPad or through iTunes. Where is the error appearing, on you computer (Windows or Mac?) or on the iPad. What is the behavior of the iPad at this moment - does it work? Do you see only the Apple logo?

As you, hopefully, can now tell - we need a lot of information. My list of questions doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. Please write down everything that's happened and what you've done up to this point so we can attempt to help.

Until we get more info, I'm sorry but no one can, or will, respond.

Are you trying to restore iOS 5.0.1? Cause that's the only version you can restore to (can't use iOS 5.0).

Are you plugging the iPad into iTunes and selecting restore in iTunes or doing it on the iPad?

Are you running the latest version of iTunes? It's always best to have iTunes fully up to date.


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