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Please can anyone with older ipad/iOS please check if a free app works for me?


iPF Noob
May 16, 2022
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EDIT: The issue has now changed, please please see post further down the thread for info

I am needing to find an older version of an app on the appstore and I am finding that cydia is probably the best way to get an older version of the app... but my ipad is brand new and I am terrified of trying the whole jailbreaking and then cydia install only to possibly find the app is not then there, considering how much this ipad just cost me.

So if anyone reading already has the cydia and appstore++ type thingies could you please check if the earlier versions of an app exist with it please??

This is an app for my little boy who is autistic and has been wanting this app ages, but it just will not work in current version but surely the previous version worked to be able to let people make youtube videos of the game.

The app is called Gigglymals, there is a paid version and a free version, neither work for me. So is it worth me going through the jailbreak and cydia process to get the older ipa file for this??

Any help massively appreciated!!!

Thank you
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If your iPad is brand new it will be on a version of iPadOS 15 which has no available jailbreak.
Using a jailbroken device to download the ipa file of an app is considered to be a form of app piracy. Your only legitimate way to obtain this app would be on an older iPad with an older version of iPadOS which is still compatible with the app.
The app still exist on the App Store, and the description says it's compatible with my iPad. I'm almost current. I downloaded the lite version, and it does not work. You get a black screen, and music. That is all. It has been six years since the last update.

That being the case, it does not really matter if you bypass the App Store to get the app, assuming you can find a legal way to do that. It is highly unlikely it will work with your iPad unless you can downgrade the iPadOS version, and that is something even jailbreaking can't do. At least I've never heard of it being possible. Not on recent iPads anyway (there was a complicated and limited method on early iPads). Also, the hardware differences make it unlikely a much older OS would run.

All I can suggest is trying to contact the developer and see if they are willing to do the work to update the app. That might be easy, or it might be a major undertaking, depending on a lot of factors. In the end, all they can do is say no.

Or maybe they know of a similar app that your child will love. We can always hope.
Thanks to both of you very much.

I would actually be willing to buy an older ipad with an older OS system IF I knew it would run on it, But I just dont know if the problem is the most recent update of it that simply never worked, which is why I was hoping to locate an older version of the IPA.
If the current update WOULD work on an older ipad with older OS then that would sort this for me, off to ebay I go. But I do not know how to find that out without trying to find people with old ipads. Any suggestions please?

While I realise that technically the method would have been piracy, I have actually bought this app (twice as I tried the iphone version too) so I was not honestly trying to promote that.

I messaged the developers, but they havent done anything for years so I fear they no longer exist despite having a webpage. Heard nothing back.

Thank you for all your help so far, thank you!
If your iPad is brand new it will be on a version of iPadOS 15 which has no available jailbreak.
Using a jailbroken device to download the ipa file of an app is considered to be a form of app piracy. Your only legitimate way to obtain this app would be on an older iPad with an older version of iPadOS which is still compatible with the app.

Can I please ask, is there anywhere on the forum where it would be the best place to ask for people to kindly try the app if they own older ipads/iOS so I can find out which older combination works?

I simply cant afford to just buy with hope only to find it not work, but if I can know a model/OS does actually work, then it would be worth me getting hold of it, but I dont know where would be best to ask and if this is allowed under the rules.

Thank you again

I just bought a new ipad but one of the main apps we wanted will not work. General thinking is that it probably worked on an earlier ipad/iphone and/or earlier iOS, however I have no way of finding which one.

My little boy is autistic and so doesnt understand not being able to get an app. I am hoping if a device old enough will run this app then I will buy an old second-hand model to run that game, but I cant afford to do it without knowing which old device and iOS it will actually run on before I start spending again.

There is a free version of the app so that anyone with older equipment could check this for me for free if they have the time and are willing. Could anyone help out please?

The app is called Gigglymals (The free one is "Gigglymals Lite") there is a seperate version for iphone and ipad

I am totally new to all this so I apologise if I have broken any rules asking for this but I cannot find that I have.

Please help and thanks for any efforts and thanks for reading.

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Hi, I made the post above as a fresh topic in the "General" section because I felt the issue was no longer connected at all to "Hacks" and rather has changed to be about anyone who might have older ipads and iOS most of whom will be doubtful to be reading the "hacking" threads, but a mod has moved my fresh post/thread and added it on here as a continuation of the original despite the fact the actual aim/solution has changed and is not even reflected in the title anymore, so lots of people who might help will not even see it now.

My new thread had more views in its first 30mins that this thread had in its first few hours. Can my post be reinstated in the general section please because I do not feel this thread here, with this redundant-title, in this sub-forum will get the exposure needed for people to help.

I dont want to make another new thread as I dont want to break rules. But I dont think combining the two threads is helping me.

Please advise and thank you
I have an old iPhone 5S on iOS 12.5.5 and the app works perfectly. No blackout. It may work on a more recent version of iOS/iPadOS but I don’t have anything between iOS 12.5.5 and iOS 15.5 to test it on.
I have an old iPhone 5S on iOS 12.5.5 and the app works perfectly. No blackout. It may work on a more recent version of iOS/iPadOS but I don’t have anything between iOS 12.5.5 and iOS 15.5 to test it on.

You absolute star THANK YOU this is the first positive news I have had on the issue and is a great step forward THANK YOU!!

If anyone else has any older ipad and ios please do still check for me as I would rather by an old ipad than an old iphone just for size.

Thank you !!!!!!
UPDATE: My Dad gave me an old Iphone with iOS 8.something and it WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!

I also ordered a ipad-mini from ebay with iOS 12.5.4 on it so will see how that works.

Curiously, the version gone onto my iphone says V1.0 while the one that crashed on my new ipad is V1.1

I bought a cheap Ipad mini 2 with iOS 12.5.4 and the "ipad" version of the software works perfectly!

So for anyone looking at this in future, We know it works on iOS 12 and less, but not on 14 & 15 (iOS 13 is an unknown).

Thank you hugely to the posters above who helped.

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