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iPF Noob
I all , just a query 1 you take a photo with iPad goes into album camera roll all good so far . Now select a group of photos from camera roll and place into a new folder all good. NOW the question does this take up double the storage space due to the selected photos being in both albums as you can't delete a photo in camera roll without deleting it from all folders thanks in advance
One of our other Moderators has recently answered a question about this and I'm trying to recall what was said. If I do remember correctly, a duplicate copy is not made, but rather there is a hyperlink between the camera roll and the folder. Hence, if you delete the photo in the camera roll it can no longer be accessed from the folder because the 'original' in the camera roll is no longer there.

If I've made a mistake in my recall of what was said, I apologise; I'm sure they'll be along soon to put me right....

Thanks again , been playing and it must be the same with two other folders that have appeared due to me uploading from sim card ,with apple adapter and this created two new folders, last import , all imported these act the same as the folder camera roll ,as in you can't seem to delete any thing from any of these folders without deleting the selected photo from all folders, I know not really a question but I am just trying to understand the iPad bit by bit so if any one could confirm this it would be appreciated and I hope you are right in your previous answer or else I would be using a lot
Space keeping the same photos 3 times each
Be safe
Enjoy life
Regards Tim
Not into photos twerp poet?

I do like photography. I can just about use my DSLR to a tenth it's potential; if I take my time and think about it. :D

I just meant that Tim's explanation was close enough. The terms might not be exact, but from the way the Photos app behaves it's pretty obvious that it only keeps one copy of the photo, and uses some kind of pointer or linking when you create copy photos into an album in the app. The impact of creating those albums has almost no impact on memory.

Most third party apps are different. When you create an album in them you do make a new copy of the picture.
Got it!
Have to agree. I have a brilliant new canon EOS 60 D.
My skill level is beginner at best.have done a workshop to learn and improve.
Now I just have to practise.
It's my memory that I'm struggling with.
I keep forgetting when I put it away ,and have to re read my notes and booklets each time.
The results are brilliant on auto ,but that's not exactly utilizing its potential.....
Feeling guilty
Funny story,my daughter has the same camera.
Has been using for about 6 months with great photos and results.
Even used her to take wedding photos for some guests. Stunning results
I excitedly rang her on the arrival of my camera to say how great it would be.
Now she could teach me everything she knows.
Response was guarded from my daughter.
She finally admitted that she just makes it up !
So rave reviews for canon in making brilliant auto camera with lots of features still to be explored.
We went to the work shop together!!!

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