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Photo transfer


iPF Noob
Feb 10, 2012
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Hi Hope someone can help me. I have just bought my first iPad and are having problems transferring photographs to it. I bought the camera connection kit for this task.
I have inserted the S/D card reader to the iPad and inserted a card as per the very basic instructions and the ipad does not seem to read the card. All I have is the screen saying no photographs or videos. The same thing happens when I attach my camera via camera connector. Nothing at all happens. Any ideas guys?
I contacted the shop and they say it should just read the images from the camera or card. I know that. At the moment due to heavy snow I cannot get back to the store.
Same problem here. Just bought the connector kit, but IPad don't even detect that the card is inserted. Any luck yet?
First, the photos need to be in a folder named DCIM on the card. Also, I believe, the photo file names need to be the original names assigned by the camera.
It is also best if the card was formatted in the camera. If you've done some editing (deletions, etc) on the card with a computer since the camera formatted it, it can cause problems. Not always, but sometimes.
drb_52 said:
First, the photos need to be in a folder named DCIM on the card. Also, I believe, the photo file names need to be the original names assigned by the camera.

Thanks for the reply. The folder structure on my card is : DCIM>100MSDCF>DSC00001.JPG. This is the original structure as formatted by the camera(Sony Cybershot HX100V), yet IPad2 do not detect the card on the CCK. Any other ideas?
I'm out good ideas. Just some trouble shooting suggestions.

Format and try another SD card (in camera), just be eliminate that card as a potential cause.

You can also contact the manufacturer and ask about iPad and CCK compatibility, just in case you have a rare not compatible camera. I doubt that though. The Cybershots are pretty common.
Well, this may be super obvious but try it.

I plug into the USB port on the camera and then plug in the camera adaptor to the Ipad. Before anything happens, I have to push a button on the camera (a menu pops up in the view screen) that I am connected to the PC. After that, the Ipad responds with a download menu. Do you have to do anything on your camera?
Thanks to everyone that replied to my query. I have now had a reply from Apple Uk who tell me the problem with the card reader not reading the card is as follows. I am using new class 10 SDHC cards and the card reader Apple currently supply is not designed to use cards of this specification. They cannot access enough power fron the iPad to run and read the card. My Canon 1DMkiv will connect to the iPad and read these cards direct from the camera. I am still working on the problem with my 7D. regards David
Would a powered hub help? Good to know the reason for the card not working. At least you know there's no defect.
Thanks for letting us know too.
hqpham2008 said:
I have the same problem but I do not see any real solutions in this thread.

My problem went away by itself. Seems like IPad have a problem to read data upon first use. Only thing I did differently the second time was to insert the empty connector first, and then insert the card. Nowadays it picks up the card without any hassles, regardless of the sequence of how I insert the connector and card. Just give it enough time to read the data.
copout said:
Thanks to everyone that replied to my query. I have now had a reply from Apple Uk who tell me the problem with the card reader not reading the card is as follows. I am using new class 10 SDHC cards and the card reader Apple currently supply is not designed to use cards of this specification. They cannot access enough power fron the iPad to run and read the card. My Canon 1DMkiv will connect to the iPad and read these cards direct from the camera. I am still working on the problem with my 7D. regards David

I'm using the same spec SD card, and my IPad2 has no hassles with reading my card. It took a few attempts though to get it to work. Just leave it in for a while to read all the data. I also took the card out once, and inserted it directly in card reader of my laptop. After it worked fine on my laptop, I re-inserted it into the IPad and it worked.

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