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iPF Noob
Mar 17, 2012
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Hi i bought the iPad2 today...

My iPad2 runs ios version 5.0.
is un-tethered jailbreak possible for my device..
if possible, what tool would u recommend

also, i would like to read pdf files. i downloaded iBooks, but i do I copy pdf files from my PC to my ipad so that I can read it on my ipad

There is no jail break for the iPad2 running iOS 5.0. The only jail break for the iPad2 is on iOS 5.0.1, but I'm afraid that you can't install that version on your iPad2, now that Apple has come out with their new iOS (5.1). Sorry, but you'll have to join the ranks of those waiting for a jail break for the iPad2.

For your PDFs, if you connect the iPad to your iTunes account, you should be able to "drag and drop" those PDFs into the iPad.


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