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On this day in history.

August 12, 1990: Sue, the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton found to date, was discovered by Sue Hendrickson in South Dakota.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=46677"/>


Here's a picture of Sue I took while in Chicago last summer.

Sorry, I am out of order here but thought this was worth mentioning.

On August 11 in the 1800's my great great grandfather was killed by a bull on his farm. On August 11 in the late1800's my great grandfather was killed by a bull on his farm in England. On August 11 in the 1920's my grandfather was gored to death on his farm in Richmond,BC, Canada. On August 11th in the 1940's my uncle was in a car accident that broke every bone in his body, including his face. On August 11th in the 1960's my Dad and his brothers, as well as all kids old enough to help, worked from dawn to dusk everyday for 5 mo.s to take the grass down around the Vancouver Airport to keep the birds from nesting, and the day they finally finished two kids played with matches in the hayloft and the whole thing burnt to the ground. On August 11, 1982 my brother's wife went into labour. She was in labour for 6 hrs before the Drs decided they had to do a cesarean, it took 6 hrs to get the team together. The next morning the top specialist from the children's hospital happened to be walking through the nursery and saw my nephew and within an hour he was in the neo-natal children's hospital with a phenobarbital IV into his head because he was having seizures from being in the birth canal too long. There are a few others that are minor and I can't remember right now but thought this was quite an amazing day in our family. Luckily it only seemed to be happening to the males so I wasn't too scared for me, just the men in my family whenever August 11th came around.
I was in the navy at the time. I was sitting in the ships cafeteria when I heard the news on the radio.
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