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No Sound is Captures when Using Screen Recording on Up-to-date iPad Air


iPF Novice
Mar 6, 2014
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When I try to do a screen recording from the control center, I no longer get the audio from what I am recording. I am using an up-to-date iPad Air, but it is the same with my up-to-date iPhone 8 Plus, so I don’t think it is device related.

I am trying to record simeone laying a cello lesson song from a cello lesson book I have. It is YouTube. I get the video, but np audio. I could swear I used to be able to do that.

Now, I checked online and found useless info. Please do not tell me to long press the record button in the Control Center, and then select to turn the microphone on. That will, as it says, turn the microphone on and all the sound that is recorded is is everything around you, TV, chairs movie, ypur doorbell if it rings, etc., it does not record the sound from the video, just the video with all,ypur background sound.

Any information would be helpful. This particular song, strangely, is not on the accompanying CD to the lesson book.

You can’t selectively record a particular sound whilst screen recording. Apart from the technicalities, it would probably contravene copyright rules if it did.
I am not sure you understand what I am saying. I am not “selectively” trying to record a sound while recording. I am trying to record the entire video, audio and video. No selecting what sound to record, audio is part of the video. Not sure what you mean by, “selectively”.

If we are not allowed to do a screen recording that includes both the audio and video part of that, then this feature is pretty useless, actually. I could swear I was able to do that when this was first added to the control center.

Is Screen Recording enabled in Control Center?

BTW, YouTube doesn't allow recording of YouTube videos because that would be a form of copyright violation.
Yes, screen recording is enabled. I can do screen recordings, just cannot get audio in the recordings, just the video.

Since you said YouTube does not allow,it, that may be why Apple does not allow it with the screen recording activated from the control center. Must be blocked by iOS in that screen recordings just won’t record any audio. You can record all of your steps and what you are looking at when you get the page you want, but none of the audio is included. Must be due to copyright issues.

Since this is the case, this feature is pretty useless to me. Maybe my instructor can play the song not included on the lesson book CD and will let me video her doing it.


Apple allows recording the sound from apps via screen recording, so long as the app itself does not prevent it. I’ve eperimented with this, and it works with or without the microphone turned on.

Now, like SciFan, I thought YouTube might block this for copyright reasons. Perhaps they do on some videos, but the two videos I tried (one by Steven Colbert and one by 2Cellos), I was able to record the audio fine.

My suggestion, if you have not already done so, try restarting your iPad. When I started testing it was with a game, and for some reason the music track went away when I started recording. After a restart, everything worked as expected.

Note: I was using the YouTube app. I did not test YouTube’s website.

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