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New UK IPad Owner


iPF Noob
Hi, found this site via a Google search on how to import IE favourites into the iPad.

I have a 32Gb iPad with 3G but no 3G microsim connection at the moment. I am researching the best (read cheapest) 3G agreement at the moment. Looks likes it may be the 3 network closely followed by Orange. Both offer pay as you go no contract deals and for the little I will nedd it, they look the best. I have wifi at home and at work, so 3G is only for odd use.

I have jailbroken the iPad using Spirit as I wanted the option to tether to my iPhone as well as it has an unlimited data plan so I will have the best of both worlds. I have downloaded MyWi on the iPhone and it works perfectly with the iPad and my notepad (Samsung N140 using Linux)

I have also installed iCab for the iPad to replace Safari and used iCab's wireless server function to import my favourites from my notepad; amazing function, just turned it on, went to the i.p. address on my notepad and linked to the favourites htm export, took 10 seconds! Well recommended.

Well, you know all about my ipad now!

You seem to have done some amazing things with your iPad Jeff. I've got sims and signed up with both Orange and O2 and I periodically swap them to see which is better. I've signed up to £15 a month with both and can cancel any time.

In my opinion, with their long experience with Apple and the iPhone, O2 is better than Orange. The 3G coverage offered by 3 is quite poor, so I'd advise against 3.

Download speeds with O2 seem faster than Orange too.

Thanks for the comments

I have also signed up to Dropbox for the 50Gb online storage and the free 1Gb storage on Boxnet. I keep all the family photos on Dropbox as well as a shared folder for all of my work which is accessed by my colleagues in the US as well. I also have Boxnet to store my ebooks. I can access both services with my iPad which means I have everything I need wherever I am in the world. Oh and the keyboard in landscape mode is just amazing.

Oh, and I have my movies and music with me for the long haul flights.

I thought my iPhone was good, but they really do have something with this iPad thingy.


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