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New iPad 3's "Retina" Display?


iPF Noob
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
Asheville, NC USA
Isn't the new iPad 3's highly touted "Retina" display really just a somewhat re-worked version of the higher resolution display used on the last 2 versions of Apple's iPhone? Hasn't Apple just held out on using this better display in the iPad until now?​
Yes and no. The size is a significant step up from the phone. The challenge, which cannot be underestimated, has been manufacturing enough of sufficient quality to then work into the product line. I don't think you can accuse them of deliberately holding it back.

It would have had to have been nailed at least 18 months ago to work into the iPad2 and they rarely (never?) release a revision to a product in the "i" line in anything less than 12 month intervals to ensure a balance of supply, demand, and of course maximum revenue!
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I keep reading the screens are 'very difficult to manufacture'. So what does that mean? low yield? They're still in the process of shipping millions of these. And will it affect quality(Fragile)? Can we expect dead pixels or other errors to appear sooner with this screen?
So far my 1 has worked without any such problems despite meeting the floor twice. (to compare, my logitech harmony one was seriously damaged after one 50cm drop showing psychedelic colours, missing pixels, random reboots etc.). I hope the quality has remained the same.
Webalistic said:
I keep reading the screens are 'very difficult to manufacture'. So what does that mean? low yield? They're still in the process of shipping millions of these. And will it affect quality(Fragile)? Can we expect dead pixels or other errors to appear sooner with this screen?
So far my 1 has worked without any such problems despite meeting the floor twice. (to compare, my logitech harmony one was seriously damaged after one 50cm drop showing psychedelic colours, missing pixels, random reboots etc.). I hope the quality has remained the same.

Apple understand quality. They strive for zero defects in the manufacturing process. I'd be very surprised to see a high number of defects in the initial shipment, but out of > 1 million which are estimated to ship for tomorrow there are bound to be a few. I honestly would not worry too much about it though. Particularly not dead pixels. I've only heard of a handful of cases on the iPhone4, and Apple have always been excellent about swapping defective units for brand new ones.
Apple is known for being one of the first out with new technology, but only after they get it reliable and durable. Part of their process is thorough testing before releasing a product. They have three vendors who have been furnishing screens for the original iPad, yet only one has been able to produce a high volume that met Apple's standards. And Samsung is crowing about that, yet they have not brought it out in any of their own products yet. With Apple's liberal return policy, they cannot afford a product that is not going to be able to last years without problems. Every rumor mill had them using IGZO displays because they would have been thinner and used less power. The displays were not reliable enough for Apple.
Retina Display sounds great but how bout the size of apps? 4 times bigger than usual make me sick :(
I felt the same way going from a DOS command line world to a Windows world - before you could actually have programs run off of floppy disks... oops, showing my age.
I have not read that they are 4x larger but somewhat larger. I have had considerable updates for 5.1/retina display and checking my available and used space and also size of apps, it doesn't seem that they are substantially larger.
Indeed, just because the screen resolution has doubled (therefore 4 times more pixels) it does not mean the size of the apps is going to be 4x larger. They will of course be larger if they have higher resolution artwork... ;)
Most reported apps are up to twice the size. My apps are only 6 Gb of memory and I have plenty of room to spare if all of them were to be twice as big. However, I would remove a lot of those apps which of little use to me. I have a lot that I am just too lazy to remove.
Here's a teaser for you. RR2HD, just updated for full retina support has gone down in size from 468MB to 444MB ! How do you like them Apples?

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