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Music editing programs for iPad?


iPF Noob
Aug 31, 2010
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Any music editing programs for the iPad?

Anyone know if there are any programs that allow you to edit/create audio tracks?

For example there's an iPad program called thumbjam which let's you record loops and mix them. but it would be solid if there was a program that let you edit loops into songs. It would make a good tool for musicians. To be able to make demos without a computer or a recorder would be pretty cool on the iPad.
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There is an app called iSequence for the iPad that I particularly like to play with to make and edit tracks/loops.
MultiTrack DAW is an 8 track audio editor that can be expanded to 24 tracks with an in-app purchase. Monle is another good audio editor. There are also loopers like Everyday Looper.
Anyone know if the multitrack daw let's you paste samples from a program like thumbjam? Tryin to figure out if you can arrange songs by pasting samples and mixing them up together. That would be sicK if you could do that.
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