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Mobile Me Calendar


iPF Noob

I am new here- this is my first post. I got my iPad last Thurday and I LOVE it! I went to the "Meet Your New iPad" workshop at my local Apple store. I really liked the Mobile Me Calendar. I liked the different colors for different things- school, work, kids etc...

Does anyone know of a program/app that does this also, or had anyone heard that Apple may just allow people to buy just the calendar? I don't need the other features and $100/year is a lot.

Rae Ann:)
MobleMe is just a transport across your network to share your calandar. You have all those functions without MobleMe, you just can't share them across your network. You can try mobleme free for 90 days or try Google Mail, it's free and has all the calendar sharing your after

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