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Missing icons for installed apps


iPF Noob
Jun 25, 2011
Reaction score
Northampton, United Kingdom
I have a number of apps installed that I am unable to access because I seem to have lost the icons relating to them. I have tried a restart - no success. I have tried syncing with my PC - no success.

This leaves me in the position where I am unable to access/use these apps. The absence of the icons also means that I am unable to delete the apps with a view to reinstalling them.

Can anyone advise, please, on how to overcome this dilemma?
Icons do not just disappear. Have you looked to see if they are on another page? Or within a folder? I know this is basics, but we need to start somewhere.
Have you filled all your screens with Apps? Once the screens are full apps do hide in the nether somewhere. You can do a search, swipe right as far as you can go and you'll find the Search function, they must be there somewhere. If your screens are all full, make some folders and the spaces will fill with your others apps that have been in hiding. Just press on an app until it jiggles and then place it on top of another app and this will create a folder of which you can have up to 20 apps in it.
Let us know how you go.
I have this same problem except I can find the apps when I use the right swipe search function but their icons are nowhere to be seen. I have lots of pages available and have searched all my folders but I can't find many, including the one I created!
Just a thought as I haven't had this problem - have you tried looking for the app in iTunes when you synch? If yes, then maybe moving it to a different screen will make it visible on your iPad.
carolla said:
I have this same problem except I can find the apps when I use the right swipe search function but their icons are nowhere to be seen. I have lots of pages available and have searched all my folders but I can't find many, including the one I created!

I think it may be time for you to do a reset of your iPad, don't worry it's similar to rebooting a computer and nothing will change but it may just fix this app problem
Hold the power off button and the home button simultaneously, keep holding them in and you will see the power off slide appear and disappear, wait until you see the Apple logo appear before releasing the buttons. It will take a little longer for your iPad to start. Let us know if this fixes it.
It's a miracle -

I think it may be time for you to do a reset of your iPad, don't worry it's similar to rebooting a computer and nothing will change but it may just fix this app problem
Hold the power off button and the home button simultaneously, keep holding them in and you will see the power off slide appear and disappear, wait until you see the Apple logo appear before releasing the buttons. It will take a little longer for your iPad to start. Let us know if this fixes it.

They are all back. Thank You so much!

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