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Mirror’s Edge Surprise Arrival on iPad


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score

I have to confess I’ve been caught napping a bit by the arrival of Mirror’s Edge on the iPad. The long-awaited iPhone version keeps getting put back further and further and still hasn’t got a firm release date, so imagine my surprise to see that the iPad version has leap-frogged its way over the iPhone version, straight into the iTunes App Store charts. Great news for iPad owners, not so great for iPhone/iPod touch owners who will now have to wait even longer to play the iPhone game (or get an iPad). The iPad screenshots look even better than the iPhone screenshots that we’d previously all been drooling over, and the early customer reviews are almost all raves (66 five-star ratings out of 91 so far). Exclusive features listed for the iPad include HD visuals, face-to-face multiplayer action, and iPad optimized race environments. It certainly looks amazing, and there are a lot of gamers out there who’ve been patiently waiting for Mirror’s Edge to arrive on iPhone who might not even realise it’s already out on the iPad!

By Maura Sutton
[Source: www.iPadForums.net]
As far as I've seen tho the gameplay is really lacking, basically swipe to run on rails then swipe to jump...repeat. It looks really nice tho.

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