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Microsoft Word


iPF Noob
Mar 22, 2012
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Hey all, I know a similar question has been asked, but I wanted to be a little more specific in what Im looking for. I am trying to get an app that allows me to edit and create word documents on the iPad. No need for excel, power point etc. I just want to create and edit word documents specifically when wifi or access to cloud would not be available. Does anyone have a suggestion based on price, how well it works, options etc? I have seen such varying levels of satisfaction and price with the word processing apps and I am having a hard time making a decision. I guess I just wondered for simple word processing without internet access, nothing more what people have had success with?
Thanks in advance
Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

I use Pages which is part of the iWork suite - the app is $10 - note that these MS Office equivalents do not match the power & features of their full versions running on a standard computer. Check HERE for an excellent comparison of office apps for the iPad; also, a search would likely bring up many more comments - good luck in your selection(s)!
Thanks! I appreciate the help. Just based on your experience...how functional has Pages been in allowing you to successfully edit documents that have been produced on a computer and ported over to the iPad? Have you been able to use it to work and then port back to your computer without many formatting problems?
Thanks again for your help!
Although a long time MS Word user, I have been retired since last June and no longer need to transfer long & complicated Word files between my previous work computer and home; my iPad is pretty much a 'recreational' device - my use of Pages has been mainly on the iPad for short notes, letters, mailing addresses, etc. - I can print these easily via wireless Wi-Fi.

I do have an Apple BT keyboard which I would highly recommend if you plan to do a LOT of typing, especially w/ long documents. But even for my modest needs, I have found editing text (e.g. highlighting & selection w/ the little blue buttons, particularly w/o a mouse) to be at times frustrating, but in part a learning curve. Also the link I provided discusses some of these differences & issues between the iPad & desktop/laptop computer choices.

Now others have more extensive 'work' experience w/ these iOS apps, so a search might be helpful; plus hopefully those w/ more 'in depth' knowledge will chime in w/ their thoughts - good luck! :)

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