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iPF Noob
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
I am new to iPad...Is there a way to change fonts, add bullets, change color of script...I am use to windows features...Thanks​
Welcome from a fellow windows user!

This is the introduction forum, your question would be better asked on the "iPad help" forum.....

What app are you wanting to do these things in? You can't just "add bullets" to Windows or the ipads OS.... But in some apps you can.....
Welcome from a fellow windows user!

This is the introduction forum, your question would be better asked on the "iPad help" forum.....

What app are you wanting to do these things in? You can't just "add bullets" to Windows or the ipads OS.... But in some apps you can.....
Thank you for responding...I am interested inchanging the font, color of script, etc when sending an e-mail..Is there an App that you would suggest that would allow some of these windows features...
yes, in the app store search for "email editor w/ emotions for ipad"

it cost 99 cents, but may be what you want........

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