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Man Gives Wife Chocolate-Covered iPad!


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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Great story on Engadget about an expat Londoner currently living in Cape Town, South Africa, called Stefan Magdalinski who was already getting his Apple-fan wife an iPad for her birthday anyway, but decided to go the extra mile or 6,000 by having it frozen in chocolate carbonite by London chocolate shop, Paul A Young Fine Chocolates, and then shipped over to South Africa. The 3G iPad was protected by a plastic wrapper so as not to damage it, and what made the whole thing even more of a labour of love was the fact that the iPad wasn’t even available in South Africa at the time of Stefan’s wife’s birthday in April, so he had to get one friend to queue up for it in London, and another friend to persuade South African customs to let the chocolate-covered iPad goodness into the country once it got there!

Source: Ahead Robot, Engadget
.... what made the whole thing even more of a labour of love was the fact that the iPad wasn’t even available in South Africa at the time of Stefan’s wife’s birthday in April, so he had to get one friend to queue up for it in London, and another friend to persuade South African customs to let the chocolate-covered iPad goodness into the country once it got there!​

Ummmm....it wasn't available in London in April either....​

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