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Loving my Ipad, but.......


iPF Noob
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Chicago NW Suburbs
........it's really Apple that's frustrating me. I've always owned a PC, my PC now I haven't had any problems with really. I'm an Android user for my phone. I looked at Android tablets first and came really close to buying one. Liked the size of the Ipad and a friend told me about hers and what she can do with it. I've always heard that Apple products just work. So went with an Ipad 2 and returned for Ipad 3 and love the device itself.
My biggest problem so far, is that APPLE seems to be so restricted and secret about everything. I remember reading on Android forums how restrained people with Iphones and apple devices were. Another thing, is Apple is so much more Expensive than Android or Windows. I can find a lot of free apps and software for both. I can find free apps for Apple also. I don't see me buying a Apple laptop or computer anytime in the future, just because of how much more I can get for a lower price with a PC or windows Laptop. Apple, because it's so restrained on a lot of things, doesn't make it so compatable with my other devices.
I've managed to get my Ipad to print via a Windows program which I found on the forum here. So that was not that big of a problem. I'm just a bit disappointed in how hard it's becoming to integrate my different devices. It seems like Apple is just all about Apple, not into crossing over to help out people that aren't blessed with all Apple devices.
I'll keep my Ipad 3, love it as I said before. Learning how to use it and enjoy learning something new. Hope Apple starts leaning a little towards helping us people who are new to Apple products.
af847 said:
........it's really Apple that's frustrating me. I've always owned a PC, my PC now I haven't had any problems with really. I'm an Android user for my phone. I looked at Android tablets first and came really close to buying one. Liked the size of the Ipad and a friend told me about hers and what she can do with it. I've always heard that Apple products just work. So went with an Ipad 2 and returned for Ipad 3 and love the device itself.
My biggest problem so far, is that APPLE seems to be so restricted and secret about everything. I remember reading on Android forums how restrained people with Iphones and apple devices were. Another thing, is Apple is so much more Expensive than Android or Windows. I can find a lot of free apps and software for both. I can find free apps for Apple also. I don't see me buying a Apple laptop or computer anytime in the future, just because of how much more I can get for a lower price with a PC or windows Laptop. Apple, because it's so restrained on a lot of things, doesn't make it so compatable with my other devices.
I've managed to get my Ipad to print via a Windows program which I found on the forum here. So that was not that big of a problem. I'm just a bit disappointed in how hard it's becoming to integrate my different devices. It seems like Apple is just all about Apple, not into crossing over to help out people that aren't blessed with all Apple devices.
I'll keep my Ipad 3, love it as I said before. Learning how to use it and enjoy learning something new. Hope Apple starts leaning a little towards helping us people who are new to Apple products.

Well you can either go with a Honda or a BMW...... They both have 4 wheels and you can drive them lol.
I get you Daylife. Totally understand what you're saying. I guess being a newbie to the IPad and Apple in general, has me getting a little frustrated sometimes when I can't find an answer to some things. Google is my friend, but I've joined forums like this before and have been helped a lot by the people on them. So appreciate any help I've gotton so far. So just had to vent a little bit.
I know what you mean but can you really blame them? Apple are leveraging their range of devices and iCloud to provide an entire "ecosystem" of products which work seamlessly together. The idea is not just that their products work well together but that, once you have one or two of them, you buy more because they all just work together.

This mentality dates right back to the original iPod, which required iTunes which only worked on Macs. If you didn't have a Mac, you couldn't use the iPod. Apple saw this as a means not only of providing a seamless end-to-end experience for the user but also as a means of selling more Macs, and it worked! People actually bought Macs partly because it meant they could use iPods. Of course they eventually relented and supported PCs aswell and have done since but I don't think we can blame them for not wanting to integrate more with other competing devices. It's their trump card and they're going to play it.
I know what you mean. I've used windows for a long time, going back to dos 5 and windows 1. My first apple device was the iPod then last year got an iPhone 4. Then a MacBook pro. Now the ipad 3 and an apple TV to stream wirelessly to my big tv.

Thats exactly the apple plan an it worked. Also I do like how the devices work together.
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. I have many windows computers, have android tablet and phone (my last phone was android) yet I have no problems using apple stuff. I don't know what the big deal is. PC users ought to be eating apple stuff up. Yeah, its not the same and you can't drag and drop, but it just not that hard to figure out how to work effectively with apple devices. Just do it.
AQ_OC said:
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. I have many windows computers, have android tablet and phone (my last phone was android) yet I have no problems using apple stuff. I don't know what the big deal is. PC users ought to be eating apple stuff up. Yeah, its not the same and you can't drag and drop, but it just not that hard to figure out how to work effectively with apple devices. Just do it.

I think he was complaining more about how it does not interoperate with PC's and windows. But really Microsoft does not play that well with others just like apple.
yes, thanks zphone.
I do understand Apple is trying to make all their devices work together seamlessly, My point is just that not everyone is the owner of more than one Apple device. The main reason I went with the Ipad over an Android Tablet, is that with Android on my phone, I've noticed everytime I was pushed an update, it would cause more problems. My Ipad 2 when I had it, had a problem with the music player playing songs which weren't the ones I chose to play. That was fixed on my Ipad 2 when I updated to 5.1 on it. So far my Ipad 3 is having no problems. Thanks guys for not flaming me.:) Just needed to vent a little, not meaning to stir things up. Hopefully the more I read and get to understand the Ipad 3 and Apple's IOS, the frustration will end. Seems there are some workarounds to some problems, just like with Android.
zphone said:
I know what you mean. I've used windows for a long time, going back to dos 5 and windows 1. My first apple device was the iPod then last year got an iPhone 4. Then a MacBook pro. Now the ipad 3 and an apple TV to stream wirelessly to my big tv.

Thats exactly the apple plan an it worked. Also I do like how the devices work together.

Ditto for me, in that order except I have an iPad 2 stuck in there as well.
My tuppence worth:-

Apple stuff does mostly "just work".

But when it doesn't, it's absolute hell!

Apple has certainly created its own ecosystem - & hasn't that paid off financially for them?

On the other hand, the very first iPhone was a piece of sh1t.

But the second version was superb & took off because Apple made it easy to integrate with Microsoft (yes!) Exchange.

The iPad works well with MS systems (mostly).

I have both a Windows Home Server & an Apple Mac Mini Server.

The WHS "just works" but the Mac server mostly doesn't do what a home server should. I've noticed they no longer sell this in the Apple Store.

Apple products are outrageously expensive but by God they're beautiful. You just want to stroke them or sit and admire them. I'm currently in bed with my iPad 3 in preference to my wife;)

So ..... You pays your money & you takes your choice!

Thanks for listening.

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