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Jetstar Airlines Launches iPad Rental Trial


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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The Telegraph reports today that Jetstar, the Australian budget airline owned by Quantas, will soon be giving passengers the opportunity to rent iPads pre-loaded with movies, TV, books, music and games, for $10 (£5.70) on certain flights, starting later this month. The two-week trial will be on domestic Australian flights longer than an hour, with 30 iPads on each aircraft involved in the test.

Jetstar says that it will use two in-flight entertainment service providers – Stellar Inflight and Bluebox Avionics – to develop custom software and content for the iPad.

“Given the demand for the iPad so far, I anticipate it will have strong appeal amongst our passengers,†Jetstar chief executive Bruce Buchanan told The Telegraph. “Based on demand for the iPads as part of the trial, we’ll be looking to roll out the devices across our entire domestic and international network later in the year.â€

By Maura Sutton, iPadForums.net
Source: Telegraph.co.uk

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