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iPF Noob
Jan 22, 2012
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Does jail breaking make the iPad run slower? Also, if I erase the jailbreak will it look as if I never did it? Will apple ever know that I didn't if I go in and have work on my iPad done?
Thank you, jodi
Jodi, if anything, jailbreaking or rooting (android) allows you to make your device faster. However, when you unlock a device without having complete knowledge of it, you are opening yourself up for major problems. If you are a pc user, jailbreaking is equivalent to having administrative control, plus some. I suggest you don't do it, or if you do, you do extensive, intensive research. You don't want to end up with a device that is completely unfunctional.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Good afternoon! What do you think of green poison?
when i get the ipad i will never jailbreak it. because you could really break it lol
tazz3 said:
when i get the ipad i will never jailbreak it. because you could really break it lol

No, that is not the case at all, a jailbroken iPad can always be restored to the stock version, I have done this myself, I jailbroke my iPad 1 at iOS 4.3.3 then restored to stock to upgrade to iOS 5.

Come to think of it, I may jail break my iPad 1 again.

The Archangel
green poison workts perfect for me, i only use the jailbreak for running XBMC on my ipad!

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