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Itunes problem


iPF Noob
Apr 6, 2010
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i hooked up my ipad to my mac, so i could organize my music. I renamed a few songs (not really rename, but when songs have the featuring singer in the artist section i always put it next to the song name, iv always did that on all my ipods) but the problem is that when i change it on my mac for the ipad it wont make changes...

in other words, itll change on the itunes on the mac but not on the ipad.

and yes im on the ipad tab on itunes not the regular library for the mac

anyone else have a problem like this?
i hooked up my ipad to my mac, so i could organize my music. I renamed a few songs (not really rename, but when songs have the featuring singer in the artist section i always put it next to the song name, iv always did that on all my ipods) but the problem is that when i change it on my mac for the ipad it wont make changes...

in other words, itll change on the itunes on the mac but not on the ipad.

and yes im on the ipad tab on itunes not the regular library for the mac

anyone else have a problem like this?

i have this problem in my iphone and unplug replug and everything go well after that

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