from AppleInsider many people liked this
With more than 500,000 units sold in its first week, Apple's iPad has tracked as high as 0.04 percent of total daily Web browsing, a number equal to March averages for the Android and BlackBerry platforms, according to a Web analysis firm.
I have asked several Android users why they wee not using their Androids, all of them said they didn't enjoy messing with it as it was difficult, they would have to go back and reread the book as to how to do stuff. Android is definitely not your Apple experience where everything is dead easy and you don't even get or need a book. You see that reflected in the above bit of news where the half million new users to the iPad are already using them in greater numbers than the millions existing of Android and BlackBerry owners even use theirs.
Apple users get more value for their money with ease of use.
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