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iPF Noob
Mar 8, 2012
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downloaded IPhoto on my ipad2. Like it so far..have beamed photos from my iPhone 4 to my ipad2. Very neat.
Does anybody know how to delete an album that was made in iPhoto?
downloaded IPhoto on my ipad2. Like it so far..have beamed photos from my iPhone 4 to my ipad2. Very neat.
Does anybody know how to delete an album that was made in iPhoto?

I don't see any way to create albums in iPhoto.

Do you mean journals?

To delete a journal tap and hold on one of them. You'll get the usual X in the left top corner to delete, and a ribbon icon in the right top corner to mark it as a favorite. First time I've seen that ribbon icon (that I can remember). Favorites are usually done with a star icon.
I meant more like from android to iOS.

iPhoto is an Apple product. As such it's pretty much iOS and OS X only; and at this point even iOS to OS X features are sparse. The only links are Photo Stream and iTunes photo syncing.

The results are, of course, standard formats and can be copied to almost any platform.

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