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Ipad2 and word processing


iPF Noob
Mar 9, 2012
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Hi all, I'm Abi,

I've just purchased an ipad2. From what I understand you cannot get Microsoft word on them. I would like to be able to write documents and essays on it for Uni. Is there any way I can get a word processor on it? I've heard of pages and the reviews don't seem too good. Any help would be wonderful :). Xxxx
Pages, while not in the same league as PC and Mac base programs, is adequate. For $10 it represent outstanding value for money. It is (more or less) file compatible with Word.

If you are prepared to wait, Word is supposedly heading for the app store.

I would recommend Pages, if you don't need all the bells and whistles of a PC based product.
KevinJS said:
Pages, while not in the same league as PC and Mac base programs, is adequate. For $10 it represent outstanding value for money. It is (more or less) file compatible with Word.

If you are prepared to wait, Word is supposedly heading for the app store.

I would recommend Pages, if you don't need all the bells and whistles of a PC based product.

Thank you! Will I be able to write documents?!
Yes, and you can save them in .doc or .pdf format. If you have an iPhone, one purchase gets you a good deal as you get Pages on your phone as well as your iPad, and the two will automatically sync.
Also, probably a rather silly question, but if I have a mac, and have iWork's, will I be able to sinc with iPad and use it? Xxxxx
Thank you! Will I be able to write documents?!

Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

As already stated, Pages is part of the Apple suite iWork (also Numbers & Keynote) - I have all three on my iPad 2 and each works well in that format - if your document writing needs are basic then the Apple app should fulfill your needs nicely. If interested in other options, take a look at this THREAD.

NOW, typing on the iPad's on-screen keyboard is fine for short entries but if you plan to type documents w/ many pages, then if not already done I would suggest obtaining a BT (Bluetooth) keyboard; I have the one by Apple but there are many choices - check in the 'Accessory' forum for some ideas. Good luck w/ your choice(s)!
Pages for me is more than enough. Very easy to use ,and works great.Recommend it 100%
Also, probably a rather silly question, but if I have a mac, and have iWork's, will I be able to sinc with iPad and use it? Xxxxx

It is not yet possible to keep the OS X and iOS versions of Pages in sync. However they will port back and forth quite handily. The iOS version does not have all the bells and whistles of the Mac version, so when porting from Mac to iOS you may lose some stuff. The iOS app will let you know what was removed when you import the document.

The only glitch I've seen when porting iOS to OS X is that I sometimes lose formatting in Numbers. Cells that have been formatted but have no data will revert to the default auto formatting mode. If you have a cell formatted for, say, percentage, it will be lost; but only if there is no data or formula entered.

The easiest way to move files back and forth is to use iCloud and turn on Documents & Data, then turn on iCloud in Pages' settings. Once you do that you can copy documents to and from the icloud.com site on your Mac. There are other ways to copy the documents back and other.

Apple has announced a new OS X version, Mountain Lion. Part of the new features is OS X integration with iCloud, including the ability to sync/store files in iCloud. I would be surprised if they did not update the iWorks apps at the same time to make it possible to (more easily) move or sync iOS and OS X files. No guarantees though, and you know how much chance there is of finding out before it happens. Mountain Lion is due out sometime this summer.
Thanks twerppoet,

That's great information! I'm currently on snow leopard as the mac was second hand from my grandad and was very much out of date, so I'm slowly building its software up!

Thank you! Much appreciated!!!

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