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iPad vs Laptop

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iPF Noob
Jan 7, 2012
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I have an iPad and my husband needs a new laptop. Is there some reason a laptop is needed over an iPad? Are there things the iPad can't do that the laptop can?
One thing a laptop can do is backup your iPad and store the backups. If you ever want to jailbreak, you also need a computer, laptop or desktop, to do it. A jailbreak can't be done without a computer.
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Unless you buy all your music and movies from iTunes or Amazon, you're going to need a laptop or PC to transfer that kind of content. Also, do you have a plan for storage of files, photos, etc., beyond on your iPad? You might be happy with cloud storage, but not everyone is, and in some instances you might have to pay for extra storage.

Do you edit any photos? I do that on my laptop.

Do you need MS Office, Word or Flash? iPad has limited access or workarounds for those.
Hello Ains.
As you can see from the above replies, iPad is for fun and PCs for everything else.
And yes I am a happy iPad user.
Oh just a thought, instead of him buying a new laptop, install a new SSD (Solid State Drive) and then load Windows 8.
It will then work a treat!
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Hello Ains.
As you can see from the above replies, iPad is for fun and PCs for everything else.
And yes I am a happy iPad user.
Oh just a thought, instead of him buying a new laptop, install a new SSD (Solid State Drive) and then load Windows 8.
It will then work a treat!

True for the most part, probably, but where the iPad really comes into its own is when using GPS. Then the laptop becomes the toy and the iPad goes to work.
I watch ESPN football (college) on my laptop - Flash reason. With a laptop you can convert your CDs and DVDs for import through iTunes into the iPad. I have a standalone GPS and update it with the laptop, I can download updates to my car stereo, burn them onto DVD so I can keep it current. (same with the BluRay and HD players) and I can convert a hard wired Internet access into wireless by sharing my Internet connection from my laptop - indispensable when traveling. I can keep a much larger iTunes library (both music and video) on the laptop and share it for easy access on the iPad.

There are pros to having a laptop, but I don't think if I didn't already own one that I would get one now (except maybe football, and I have been eying Apple TV for a bit)
True for the most part, probably, but where the iPad really comes into its own is when using GPS. Then the laptop becomes the toy and the iPad goes to work.

Hello Kevin.

I would never drive around using an iPad or a laptop for directions, that's a recipe for disaster.
If I wanted to get directions whilst walking I would use a phone, or perhaps a mini iPad.
Hello Ains.
As you can see from the above replies, iPad is for fun and PCs for everything else.!

Not quite right.

I use my iPad 2 at work, not for fun. With the apps I installed it's easier for me to show pictures or videos or play music, if I need it. Also all my preparations are stored there.

I also have a laptop. Sometimes I have to use it. There are a few things I can't do with the iPad.
Not quite right.

I use my iPad 2 at work, not for fun. With the apps I installed it's easier for me to show pictures or videos or play music, if I need it. Also all my preparations are stored there.

I also have a laptop. Sometimes I have to use it. There are a few things I can't do with the iPad.

As you said, show pictures, videos or play music.
That what I call fun stuff..
Use a PC of any persuasion for the heavy lifting. Such as working with files of all types with ease.
i like my ipad for playing the odd game and it's more comfortable to use in bed than my MacBook Pro is but i wouldn't be without a laptop.
I would never drive around using an iPad or a laptop for directions, that's a recipe for disaster.

iPad works extremely well for navigation via gps. You just need to mount it in a stable way. I had an arm that mounted to a bolt on the passenger side of my car. The top of the arm held the iPad. Easy to see on long trips (I rarely need nav around town), but easier to use than most phones (that are super large). There is no disaster if you do it right. In the wrong hands, using a phone for nav is a recipe for disaster in the same way using any kind of Nav is.
I have an iPad and my husband needs a new laptop. Is there some reason a laptop is needed over an iPad? Are there things the iPad can't do that the laptop can?

It depends. Everyone has different needs. For me, when I need a laptop, I need a laptop. Lot of things I do like run Matlab, 4Nec2, etc, that simple won't work on iPad. Also, the iPad is not so great a giving presentations where you want to annotate slides. So, for these things, the laptop is the better solution.

But if needs are reading email, surfing the web, listening to music, or doing some word processing or other productivity tasks, where you don't need to worry about trading files with others then an iPad with the right keyboard can work well.

I think one needs to get some experience with an iPad before one can make an intelligent decision. Lots of folks have made the iPad their primary device, so it can definitely be done. But how you do it and how well it works depends on each person.
iPad works extremely well for navigation via gps. You just need to mount it in a stable way. I had an arm that mounted to a bolt on the passenger side of my car. The top of the arm held the iPad. Easy to see on long trips (I rarely need nav around town), but easier to use than most phones (that are super large). There is no disaster if you do it right. In the wrong hands, using a phone for nav is a recipe for disaster in the same way using any kind of Nav is.

What he said^.

I should clarify. My use for GPS is a little unconventional. I use it for locating off road oil and gas leases. The "roads" that lead to them are a mixture of gravel, cut lines and ice roads. Not the kind of places you want to drag a trailer without knowing exactly where you are and where you're going.

For that reason I contend that the iPad is a serious work tool for me. We are not talking turn by turn guided navigation here.
What he said^.

I should clarify. My use for GPS is a little unconventional. I use it for locating off road oil and gas leases. The "roads" that lead to them are a mixture of gravel, cut lines and ice roads. Not the kind of places you want to drag a trailer without knowing exactly where you are and where you're going.

For that reason I contend that the iPad is a serious work tool for me. We are not talking turn by turn guided navigation here.

I still prefer a regular standalone GPS for driving; I have three of them, because I keep one each in my two cars and have a spare for travel when I rent cars. My husband uses a standalone GPS, too.

I like the size, hardiness and convenience of my Garmins for driving. I sometimes use iPads for maps, but usually when I'm not driving and am looking up things for different uses.
Hello Ains

I guess you must be fairly confused by now?
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