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ipad restore "setup incomplete" message loop


iPF Noob
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi There,

I have just updated my iPad today. Because in New Zealand we have such pitiful internet speeds and connections I had a number of issues with trying to update to the new IOS on my iPad ( from 4. something). It kept giving me a time out message.( by the way I have a PC running windows 7). So I downloaded the update and installed it manually. All looked fine, but when I started the iPad I had to go through the set up and at the end it gave me a message saying "Set up incomplete" with 2 options with the buttons Start Over
and Continue, which do not take me any further. Does anyone know how to get passed this situation?

Cheers! and thanks in advance fro any advice.
frustratedly yours
It sounds as if your "pitiful internet speeds" are causing you to have trouble with the install, even with downloading the firmware file.

So, my only suggestion is to start over. But, maybe this time, try taking the iPad (and the IPSW file...you can put it on a USB stick) to a faster/better/stronger Internet place - where you can get a better signal? Oh, and that place has to have iTunes loaded on the computer, obviously. I don't know where that might be in New Zealand, but that's the only different thing I can think of for you to do. If you can't do that, just keep trying at home until you get it...

Unfortunately, for you, the iPad needs an Internet connection to communicate with Apple's servers during the install process. It won't need it after, but it sure does during.

Sorry to not be of better help. But, yeah, starting over seems to be your only option. Sorry.

Oh Marylin... I have this problem too. I jailbroke my iPad. It was supposed to be untethered. Absinthe. But I turned the iPad off. Now it's giving me these here messages just like this person mentions above. Here are some pictures:

Shoot!! It is still making that dinging sound when it receives an email. Do I have to reconnect it to a computer?? I thought this jailbreak was untethered, darn it!!


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Aaha!! Omigosh!! I started it in Safe Mode. I uninstalled DisplayOut (because I didn't use it really) and I may uninstall proTube and Bridge (although I liked 'em!) So how do I turn this gosh darned thing off without it wanting a full system restore?? Crazy how uneducated I am when it comes to technology.

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