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iPad Multitasking with Music


iPF Noob
Hello. I know the iPad does not officially multitask but can you at least listen to music with iTunes while reading or browsing the web?
I'm assuming the capabilities of the iPad match the iPhone but since I don't have an iPhone I'm left guessing.
I'm about 99% positive you will be able use iTunes while browsing the web, reading, or using the other applications. The iPhone allows this, and the iPad will be running the same OS.

Welcome to the forum!
Should be able to. Same as the iPhone and iPod Touch. There are a number of 3rd party applications already that have this capability as well.
I'm sure it will happen sometime soon too.
It must be unbearable from Apple's side to see their baby torn up in public for this.

This is clearly one of those details that shows the rush in which this product has been announced. The market will be a killer in Tablets and Apple wanted to be first. Luckily software updates allows the iPad a chance to multitask someday otherwise Apple could be accused of bad parenting by provoking an early birth, knowing the risks of brain damage...:p
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Its possible, but i heard there was no multi-tasking at all.

And where did you hear that? The Apple mobile OS already supports native app multitasking (music and itunes podasts can be on while running browser and many other apps), push alerts is a form of multitasking, safari state saves so when you go back to it it will be in exactly the same place you left it.

All the OS really needs is the ability to leave audio apps running in the BG that aren't the iPod app...state saving on all apps, and a task switcher.
Those familiar with the design of iPhone 4.0 said that the user interface will resemble Apple's desktop Expose feature, in that a key combination -- reportedly hitting the Home button twice -- will trigger an expose-like interface that brings up a series of icons representing the currently running apps, allowing users to quickly select the one they want to switch to directly. When a selection is made, the iPhone OS zooms out of the Expose task manager and transitions to that app.

It is sounding more and more official that limited multitasking will be coming out soon.

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