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iPad Launch Party?


iPF Noob
Feb 14, 2010
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA USA
I'm all for it. It would be cool if we had one on this site. However I'm not sure what it would exactly entail. I'm really excited about getting an iPad.:ipad-keyboard::ipad-front::
When I have the iPad in my hands, I'll lock myself up fer two days with it and my host computer. That will be my party! So I'll be here a lot then.... :)
When I have the iPad in my hands, I'll lock myself up fer two days with it and my host computer. That will be my party! So I'll be here a lot then.... :)

LOL, I know where your coming from. It's funny the iPad is a mobile device, but in order to become more mobile and away from the desktop, it will initially take that 2 day seclusion from all else to prepare and load up the iPad with all our favorite apps n such.

I can say right now, the time I will spend a day on my iPad will probably amount to the same time most people use on their phones texting (which is a ton of time), only my time will be much more productive I feel. :comingsoon:
Hmm. We'll work on something for the launch day, so keep suggesting ideas! As soon as we know the exact release date, we'll have a counter posted at the top of each page. We can also set up a real time chatting event :)

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