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Ipad Calendar


iPF Noob
Apr 18, 2011
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Hey guys. Im thinking about buying an Ipad for the use of the calendar. I own a skating rink and we are booking multiple birthday parties everyday. We are booked about two months ahead. Right now we have been using a giant paper calender but it is in no way organized, and is too bulky. we have considered getting a cheap laptop to use but I am now thinking an Ipad would be better. We can just lie it on the table and the customer can look at the screen as we enter information, and that would minimize mistakes.

I have played with an Ipad in Bestbuy and really like how they operate, but I have a few questions. How much information can we enter for one day on a calender. On a Saturday we can have as much as 8 parties and we must include the number of guests, food, skate rental, down payment, and any other information that we may need.

Also how can we back up the information from the calendar? Can we just sync it with our PC?

Although I am a bit of an Apple fanboy, I could suggest that you subscribe to apple mobile me, which gives you email, calendar' storage and address book. You sync all your iPhone, iPads, iPhone, access from the web and of course on your computer. I have said account and everything works well. Your data is sired on Apple's servers so backing up isn't an issue. If your computer died or was lost or stolen, you could access the same data from web bases access to your mobile me. Set reminders send calendar invitations. The bonus is that you can configure find my iPad should it get lost or stolen.

Now having said all of the above, there are lots of webmail accounts like Gmail or live that give you the same or similar. The choice is yours

Sent from my iPad using iPF - The only stupid question is the one you don't ask
Personally, I'm not a fan of Apple's default calendar. It seems cluttered, and a little overwhelming to me. The only way you can really sync your calendar, is through Mobile Me, which costs almost $100 per year. (Ya, no thanks!)

If your running a business, (in your case an ice rink) I would suggest an app called- Pocket Information HD [$15.00, or $14.99] it has a sync through Google Calendar, and many other services. You can also manage a To-Do list, and a Calendar, and you have many other features. I suggest when you play around with an iPad at your local Best Buy, or Apple Store, to search up Pocket Information HD via AppStore.

I think it could be very useful for your business.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Thanks guys. I think Im going to go ahead and pull the trigger on one. If I dont like the Apple Calender Ill try the app you listed above. thanks .
For the price of the iPad you can buy a real computer, and setup up a email account with either yahoo or gmail. Both of which have really good calendar functions and e-mail plus you would have productive computer as well.

Buy what you need not what you think is cool.
I'm a fan of Pocket Informant HD too.

I looked at several apps for this and, in the end, chose Pocket Informant HD.

I read that Pocket Informant was buggy but, in my (admittedly) limited experience, I’ve found no problems at all. It has a very nice user interface that's almost infinitely configurable - a complaint that many Forum members make about the iPad’s native ‘Calendar’ app. So you can choose how tasks, events, projects, appointments are colour coded and there is a wide choice of notifications and alarms - so, for example, you can have different alarm sounds for different categories of notifications.

Pocket Informant ‘sits on top’ of the iPad's native ‘Calendar’ app and (optionally) imports all entries that it finds there. They can be colour coded so they can be distinguished from entries made in Pocket Informant itself.

This is important because many other iPad apps use the native ‘Calendar’ app as the default place to put events, invitations etc. So, for example, if you are invited to a meeting by email and you receive that invitation in the iPad’s native ‘Mail’ app, that app can automatically (and quite cleverly) insert that invitation into the default calendar app. Without that integration between the native app and Pocket Informant, you'd have to enter those invitations all over again.

Pocket Informant has lots of ‘hidden’ features too. One of the reviewers remarked that part of the ‘fun’ of using Pocket Informant was discovering them!! The display is infinitely configurable - day, week, month, year at a time. Tasks, events, overdue tasks, projects, projects in progress etc etc all can be optionally displayed on the main calendar. Projects and tasks can have infinitely nested sub-tasks and projects - these can cleverly be integrated with GPS - so, say you needed to purchase some goods from the hardware store. Put that in a To-Do list and link it to the location of the hardware store using the iPad’s native ‘Maps’ app. Next time you’re driving past the hardware store, up pops the notification (‘Remember to purchase some 2â€x4†timber’).

Repeating events are very flexible too, with the ‘custom’ mode being infinitely (I keep using that word!) configurable. So, meetings that occur on the last Thursday and first Monday of every other month - no problem.

It can sync with external calendars - Google for example - and back-up is cool, it creates a backup file that you can email to yourself for safe keeping. If you lose your iPad or all your data is corrupted, that backup can be imported back into Pocket Informant with a single click.

You can create multiple diaries within Pocket Informant - say ‘Work’, ‘Family’, ‘Golf Club’ etc and have their entries optionally displayed on the main screen or restricted to the display of the individual diary. So it’s easy to check if there’s a clash between the golf tournament and your wife's birthday - and hide it if there is......

If you surf to the developer’s web-site, you can download for free a very comprehensive User Manual that will show you in detail what Pocket Informant can do.

The developers are constantly updating the program - always a good sign in my view.

As I said at the beginning, perhaps I'm not a particularly demanding user, but I’ve had no stability problems at all. I should add the usual disclaimer that I have no contact or other relationship with the developers of Pocket Informant other than being a very satisfied customer.

For the price of the iPad you can buy a real computer, and setup up a email account with either yahoo or gmail. Both of which have really good calendar functions and e-mail plus you would have productive computer as well.

Buy what you need not what you think is cool.

We already have two computers. I need something small and compact that can be laid on the table and multiple people view the screen. Im looking at other tablets but the Ipad seems the best.
I like the Readdle Google calendar client also. Its not that expensive AIR. Been consistently improved and may do what you need.

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