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iPad App Prices - Sticker Shock

Always Write

iPF Noob
Has anyone else noticed that many iPad apps and games are not just slightly, but tremendously more expensive than their iPhone equivalents? I don't think the fact that the iPad has a bigger screen suddenly justifies all the 5-fold price increases I've been seeing. Apps went from $0.99, $1.99, and $2.99 to $4.99, $9.99, and $14.99.

I see the same thing with "HD" TV shows for $2.99 or movie rentals at $4.99 (or download for $14.99 or more). Time Magazine ($5 an issue), or the Wall Street Journal ($20 a month). Not to mention e-books at $14.99. It seems to me that app developers and content providers think that everyone who bought an iPad is rich and doesn't care about prices anymore. Yes, the iPad is cool, but I didn't suddenly decide I have money to burn instead of watching TV for free, renting a movie for $1 through RedBox, reading the WSJ online for free, or buying a paperback for $7.

Obviously, some people will think the prices are reasonable, but they are (generally speaking) too high for my tastes and pocketbook. I firmly believe that they would make more money selling 4x the content at 1/2 the price. For a buck or two, I'd digitally "rent" a movie and watch it on the iPad. But not if you're going to charge me 5x what it costs to get it at Redbox, or almost a full month's Netflix subscription.

Just my opinion....
You raise a good point and I have to agree with you. Lowering prices for iPad apps would in fact result in more sales I believe, especially with the economy how it is at the moment. You're right, just because someone buys an iPad or is interested in buying one does not automatically mean they are rich and have plenty of cash to burn. Not to mention, I don't think it costs any more for developers to make apps for the iPad either. I guess just like many other devices they are expensive at first but eventually go down in price.
Marketing doesn't work like that. How can you have a sale and survive it? You have to overcharge first.:D
It's all about scale when it comes to apps. Right now the ipad app market is small compared to the iPhone. Dev's make up for the smaller market by charging more. Same thing with the palm pre apps being more expensive than the exact same iPhone app. Once the ipad gets in more hands prices will begin to equalize .
Those are some good points -- does anyone know if iPhone apps started at similar prices and then came down to what we see today? It was my impression they were always lower, but I don't have an iPhone, so I'm not sure.
Marketing doesn't work like that. How can you have a sale and survive it? You have to overcharge first.:D

Boy are they greedy. Everyone wants to make a killing of the iPad. I am patient. Apps will go on sale. News I can read for free using InstaPaper. Ebooks - well there are thousands available if you know where.

Even the Wall Street Jounal can be had for half price. Only the uninformed pays full price for anything including stuff for the iPad.
The iPad sure is a money making machine and they're shamelessly being obvious about it.

Well Apple! I'm your milking cow. Do a good job but take only the milk, not the blood...:D
Well it could be worst. Like $39.99, $49.99, or $59.99 worst. Some of the iDevice stuff is pretty nice, for the price you pay. Look at Real Racing HD, for $10.
My thoughts are the prices will in fact drop. Much like gas prices increasing just before spring break, summer vacation & holidays of travel...the iPad prices will soak up the market of early consumers eager to show their friends the ol' "Looky what it can do!" at the office.

Quite honestly, it worked :D How many of us bought apps over the last week and a half for parlor effects, not on need/usability? I know I'm guilty.

App price competition will arise when more apps arrive...until then; our eyes get poked out. Such is life!
Wait until this fall. This will give several months for the iPad to be on the market. Once sales start to fall, we will see adjustments on apps and the iPad too. The iphone is more reasonable today than it was when first intro-the same will happen here.
Not THAT bad!

I don't think prices are THAT bad, and they will come down. If an APP is too pricey I just don't buy it. There is a decent selection of stuff for .99 to 2.99, and many books on iBooks are $9.99 - MUCH less than you'd pay for the hardcover in the store, for example. Plus there are free ones! A lot of the pricey apps are the "technical" ones anyway, and those I don't need -- if you do, then it's an expense you may need to bear (and, again, much less than software is, for example).
When the newness of the ipad wears off the feeding frenzy at the app store should slow down as well, mabey then we'll see some price reductions.
Good to know. I'll definitely be waiting for some of these prices to drop. Until then, I have plenty to keep me entertained. IMO, it's their loss, by trying to overcharge they're getting nothing from me.

PS: I've noticed lots of digital content in general being overpriced -- $5 for a magazine or to stream a movie, e-books more than paperbacks, etc. I discuss it more here.
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