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Ipad 2 recovery mode


iPF Noob
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
First the basics, I have an ipad 2 32gb never been jail broken.

Two days ago I was using my ipad with no problems. I sat it down for a few minutes and when I came back to using my
Ipad, it was in recovery mode. When I go to plug it in to restore it I get an Error 21. I've looked for fix's but they all
Involve the ipad being jailbroke, which mine is not. How can I get it out of recovery mode? I tried putting it into DFU mode and then restoring and no luck. I've heard about TinyUmbrella but not sure how it would work with an in-jail broken
Ipad. There has to be a way to fix this. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Have you tried plugging it in to iTunes and seeing if that will help? At the worst, maybe iTunes will recognize it as needing a restore? You'll have to use your last backup if you have to restore it, but at least you'll have a working iPad....?

Yes I did connect it to iTunes. It asks for a restore and that's it. It starts to restore bit when it tries to verify with apple it stops and gives me error 21. It won't even let me restore with an earlier back up point.
Have you considered making a Genius Bar appointment at an apple store? They have the diagnostic equipment to be able to tell you the cause of the problem.
No I have never thought about that. Only problem is the closest Apple store is about 5 hours from my home.

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