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iPad 1 - iPad 2 compatability


iPF Noob
Dec 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
I have an iPad 2, my buddy has an iPad 1, we are trying to play "Rise of Glory" on a local wifi network, if I 'host' the game, he can't join and vice versa. What, if anything are we doing wrong, or is there something different between the two models that precludes us from joining the same game?
In iPad 1, the standard chip is custom-designed 1GHz Apple A4. The iPad 2 has the custom-desingned1GHz dual-core Apple A5 chip. The operating systems are also different. iPad 1 runs on iOS 4.2.1, while iPad 2 runs on iOS 4.3.
In iPad 1, the standard chip is custom-designed 1GHz Apple A4. The iPad 2 has the custom-desingned1GHz dual-core Apple A5 chip. The operating systems are also different. iPad 1 runs on iOS 4.2.1, while iPad 2 runs on iOS 4.3.

Understood, but why would that restrict us from playing the same game on the same closed network especially since we can all play online...?
Understood, but why would that restrict us from playing the same game on the same closed network especially since we can all play online...?

There is no inherent reason that the iPad 1 and iPad 2 cannot play together. The advice to contact the developer is the right one.
steviep53 said:
Understood, but why would that restrict us from playing the same game on the same closed network especially since we can all play online...?

It wouldn't unless the developer deliberately did something to prevent it. There is one other possibility to consider that most people wouldn't think of. It is possible the wireless you're connected to has a wireless isolation feature that puts each wireless Device on its own private virtual LAN and prevents them seeing each other.

The easiest way to test that possibility is find an app with a built in web server and try to access it from Safari on the other device via IP address.
It wouldn't unless the developer deliberately did something to prevent it. There is one other possibility to consider that most people wouldn't think of. It is possible the wireless you're connected to has a wireless isolation feature that puts each wireless Device on its own private virtual LAN and prevents them seeing each other.

The easiest way to test that possibility is find an app with a built in web server and try to access it from Safari on the other device via IP address.

Hmmm, possibly, but those of us with iPad2 devices can "see" each other and join the game, The iPad1 players are left out in the cold...
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steviep53 said:
Hmmm, possibly, but those of us with iPad2 devices can "see" each other and join the game, The iPad1 players are left out in the cold...

In that case, I would definitely try seeing if an app with a built in web server works as it would definitely confirm if it's a low level comm issue or just the game itself :)
In iPad 1, the standard chip is custom-designed 1GHz Apple A4. The iPad 2 has the custom-desingned1GHz dual-core Apple A5 chip. The operating systems are also different. iPad 1 runs on iOS 4.2.1, while iPad 2 runs on iOS 4.3.

The information here about the chips is correct. However, both the iPad1 and iPad2 can run the most current iOS version, which is iOS 5.0.1. They are not restricted to those lower versions (unless, of course, the owner chooses not to upgrade).

Just didn't want anyone to get the impression that the two iPad versions can't run the same iOS...


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