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iOS 5 Update Problems Flood Apple Support Forums

I tried several times and got network timeout error. My network works fine. How to correct this problem. By the way, I connect the router by using ethernet cable instead of wireless, hopefully, it can be faster. My os is window vista and the anti virus is Kaspersky.
I've seen plenty of complaints and problem posts. I'm going to hold off on iOS 5 till the mess is cleaned up.

I believe that this is the wisest course for those that have not already jumped in. Things may go smoothly for many but there is a higher probability of running into server problems etc. with such a highly anticipated upgrade. I won't touch it for at least a week. :)
I believe that this is the wisest course for those that have not already jumped in. Things may go smoothly for many but there is a higher probability of running into server problems etc. with such a highly anticipated upgrade. I won't touch it for at least a week. :)

Apple should've done a better job coordinating and staggering, considering this was a big upgrade, and they're trying to sell the cloud. A messy start adds to user skepticism and hesitation about cloud storage.

With Friday's 4S launch, things probably will get worse before they get better.

I'm not in a rush. My iStuff is working fine for now.
I am totally non computer savvy. I have been running iOS 5 since around 2 EST. Took less than 20 or so minutes to download. I also had to do iTunes. I am sure there are plenty of easy success stories.
The 4S is already running iOS 5 so no updating will need to occur.

I don't understand the delays in downloading though. I just finished another update on my development iPod touch. I did it on a Mac not a PC, but I cannot see why that would make any difference.

Total upgrade time including backup, download install and restore, 22 minutes by stopwatch.

The installed apps and music on this one are very few - just enough for testing - but it still had to complete all the steps.

4S is on iOS 5, but millions will be synching their content to their new phones.
Had little problem D/L 10.5 this afternoon, and 5.0 tonight. Very quick in updating, took less than 30 minutes to back up [near empty Gen1], and to install and restart/config. Impressed, Apple! Did have the dreaded 3xxx error on first try , but tried within 10 minutes and Apple's servers authenticated just fine and continued! Now to test all the apps.
Upgraded 2 IP4 and an IPAD to IOS 5 inside an hour. Sure there were few error messages which were caused by the rush.
My experience was positive and the 200+ new features on IOS 5 are amazing. I just learned number 10. with 190 more to go and enjoy.
Ill hold off for lil while, not looking forward to losing JB anyway, esp if it may or may not install right!

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4S is on iOS 5, but millions will be synching their content to their new phones.

I have not heard any issues related to iCloud and server capacity, only the downloads for the installation of iOS 5.

People have assumed somehow that the iCloud data center and the software update data center are one in the same and share all the same resources. Clearly this is just another wild assumption based on no knowledge...

Just as an aside, now that Asia is at work we have seen our iOS 5 updated registered users pass the 530,000 mark. We have just over 1.2M registered users at this time, so we're about half way to our installed base in less than 24 hours. I think that's pretty impressive - though I don't know how that might apply to the population in general. We have NOT released any iOS 5 specific features yet, though our applications are all updated to work with iOS 5.

Users are reporting issues with apps and other content even after upgrading to iOS 5, so there appears to be a link. Unless you have direct knowledge of Apple data center structure, speculating is all any of us can do.
I've read many of the complaints from users, and some are apps that have not been updated, others are clearly user error, however we have been testing iCloud services all through the updates and have seen no degradation in performance whatsoever in iCloud.

We have one app that moves many megabytes of data into and out of iCloud and it's been performing flawlessly.

So no, I don't have any insight into the configuration of Apple's data center, however for our rigorous application testing iCloud has not skipped a beat since yesterday.

I was reading complaint posts on various blogs and websites while deciding whether to update. Here's an example, which points to a wider issue:

<< By LiquidD 5:09:17 PM PDT Oct 12, 2011
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My experience had the same error on my iPad 1st gen, but a few more different error messages in the process. After installing iOS 5 it couldn't restore my apps, music or photos. After restoring from backup (with more errors) several times, I got all but my apps. Over 120 apps in set up certain places and special folders, gone. I had to install each app again and recreate all the folders again. It was good clean up but it took roughly 3 hours to finish. Definitely the roughest update I've had yet.

Glad my 4s will already have it installed. That was a pain. >>

If the cloud is working separately from upgrading to iOS 5, then a user like this should have had no trouble restoring his/her apps.
I don't see a link to iCloud in this problem report.... What am I missing?

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