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iPF Noob
Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Hello all,
My name is Chris and I hope to use I Pads in a primary school. If anyone has any experience of this please let me know.
On a personal "Help", how do I copy present epubs used for a Sony E Reader to my pad?
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Hey Chris, welcome to the forum. Sorry, but I don't know much about these stuff. Maybe some experts here can help ya.
Welcome. I am not familiar with the device you mentioned but if you have the ability to copy epubs onto your computer you just import them into iTunes and when you sync with your iPad they will be readable in the book program. This method does not work for protected epubs that have the epub security in them.
Epub security

Thanks for the advice so far. I think my problem is the security of Epubs. Is it possible to take the security off or will they only be available for my current Sony Ereader?

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