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Ikeep getting message when I try to connect ti internet


iPF Noob
Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding
Can anybody help? It means I cannot get into Internet.
My friend is sitting beside me and she can connect with her I pad.
My server is AOL and hers is btinternet
I am away from home at present in Barbados in the Caribbean
Will be glad of any assistance.
I t
I pad
Where have all the helpers gone.?

Regards previous message my friend and I have spent hours trying different things. She still cannot connect to the Internet but her e-mails are coming in. Every time she tries to connect same message. safari cannot connect to Internet. We have tried with lots of different servers but to no avail.
Please help before we go bonkers
It is likely a connection issue. Are you on a local wifi or trying to use a cellular connection? If the latter, have you set it up with your cellular provider back home to work overseas (roaming)? Do they have coverage where you are?
Hello D Hewson
Thank you for reply. We are staying in an apartment and the owner Is in an adjoining apt. The Internet connection is from her house.mine is an I pad 2 and hers is I pad 3. I am getting connected no bother but hers for some reason is not. My server is Yahoo and hers is AOL and the settings seem to be the same.
No She did not arrange with her server for roaming. I did not know you had to do that. I did not arrange with mine

Will be glad of help thank you
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Hello PeterJ Melb

Thank you for your suggestion which I should have thought of by myself!
We tried I pad in an Internet cafe and she got connection no bother. Have spoken to lady of the house and she has arranged for mechanic. We did not think it was a connection problem because my I pad was getting reception.
Anyway problem solved. We are both novices with not much common sense between us.
Thank you again
Jolinmax said:
Hello PeterJ Melb

Thank you for your suggestion which I should have thought of by myself!
We tried I pad in an Internet cafe and she got connection no bother. Have spoken to lady of the house and she has arranged for mechanic. We did not think it was a connection problem because my I pad was getting reception.
Anyway problem solved. We are both novices with not much common sense between us.
Thank you again

Ha! No need to worry about common sense.
Apple and Microsoft are often short on in the common sense area!

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