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iBooks title changes


iPF Noob
Jan 19, 2011
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Is there a way to change a title of a pdf in iBooks? I have a lot of pdfs and I can't tell what they are from their titles along. Thanks for your help.

Hi yes you can change the title in iTunes on your computer. When you sync the new titles will appear on your iPad.
Thanks for your help but it didn't work. I have a lot of crochet and knitting patterns I've downloaded onto my iPad and then I open them in iBooks. The file names are often just a number and they're pdfs. Is there a way I can change their names iTunes? I went to apps and saw iBooks there but it wouldn't let me do anything to it.
Go to iTunes on your computer, select the PDF you want to change, right-click on the name in the list, choose "Get Info" from the popup list. Click on the second tab "Info". From there you can change the metadata associated with the file. Next time you sync, the new info will be reflected on your iPad.

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