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I and new to this forum but I need help with iPad 4


iPF Noob
Sep 8, 2013
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I have a Mac Pro , iPad 4' iPhone waiting for 5 . My problem just started I switched carriers from verizon to comcast
The problem is I have 2 apple id and I cloud just stopped working wouldn't forward any information from phone to iPad etc, all information is correct but it keep popping up with check your setting m it seems like I will have to erase all information and lose everything , I can't think of any thing else to try while I was a away from screen up pops I'd from apple with verizon on it wanting my pass word , it's driving me crazy because this just happen and has been fine for 3 months
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I'm not sure what is going on, but I'll throw out a few things that may help.

In order for the iPad and iPhone to sync/share data via iCloud they must both be signed into the same Apple ID in iCloud Settings. Try signing out and back into iCloud on either or both devices, making sure you use the Same Apple ID. You data should be safe doing this, but if you have important documents in the Documents & Data section (controlled in the relevant app) it would be best if you saved them first.

The only reason you should see anything about Apple ID from Verizon is if you used your Apple ID to subscribe to Verizons's pre-paid data plans. This was possible on earlier iPads. Check under Settings > Cellular Data > View Account. Make sure it doesn't say something about Verizon. I'm not sure how to fix it if it does, but I'd probably ask Comcast first.

In the end it may be necessary to restore the iPad. If so, make sure you back it up, and save all important documents off the iPad first. You can restore most things this way.
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