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Hutchison Austria will offer iPad deals


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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Austria iPad fans will soon be able to take advantage of special iPad pricing by signing up for a 2 year contract with Hutchison. They will be the the first Austrian carrier to bundle the iPad and offer customers a 333euro rebate if they agree to a 2 year contract offering 5GB of data for 29.90euro. Apple has not release pricing outside the US, so the price after discount is still unknown.

Also according to the announcement, the first iPads sold in Austria won’t have 3G radios, and will be bundled with a Huawei modem called i-Mo. This device is a “wireless wifi router†creating a personal WiFi spot for the iPad.

Could we see Verizon Wireless offer the same bundle with the MiFi? Let us know your thoughts.

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